Theatrical Muse: [insert your character name] Vs. [insert word of choice here]; It's war! Describe

Dec 13, 2006 00:20

Sophie Vs. Muesli; It's war! Describe yourself fighting against a stubborn box of Muesli


It started off as such a nice morning. Sophie slept until her alarm went off. She was able to get right into the bathroom before the boys woke up and she bound down the stairs intent on having her breakfast before the others came down. She ran through the checklist in her head. Bowl? Check! Spoon? Check! Milk? Check! Almonds? Check! Muesli? .... no Muesli was to be found. High and low... no Muesli was found in any of its usual locations.

"Uncle Gustav?," she said to the rather sleepy-eyed old man who had finally come down the stairs, "Have you seen the Muesli? It isn't here"

"Nonsense, the boys came back from the store with it just yesterday. Have you checked the pantry?"


"The cupboard?"


"Back with the bird feeder supplies?"

"We have bird feeder supplies?"

"Yes, since the boys came, we've been going out to the park and feeding the birds. I'm considering putting up a small bird feeder so the birds can come here and we don't have to go to them."

Gustav checked the "bird feeder" supplies, the area that had once been empty storage, and produced the Muesli.

"Why was it in there? It is part of a healthy diet!"

"Yes, if you like bird food," he said jokingly as he warmed up some of last night's schnitzel.

Sophie ignored the last comment as she started to work on opening up her box of Muesli. Normally it was not this difficult as the cardboard box would give in easily enough. After five minutes of the struggle, Sophie decided to find something to open the box with. She took a knife and slowly pried the box open. Removing the plastic bag of Muesli from the box, Sophie tried to open the bag. Like the box before it, the bag was more difficult than usual. Sophie's struggles with the bag was made even more difficult by the fact no scissors were available and all she had was the knife. She remembered what happened the last time she used a knife to open her Muesli, her knife slipped and she cut her hand, although the blood was deliciously red, she did not want to repeat the incident so she put the knife away. She continued her struggles with the bag until the bag exploded, covering her in pieces of Muesli.

Sophie versus Muesli… no one won.


Muse: Sophie Metternich

Fandom: Dracula the Series

Words: 400
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