Sunrise, Sunset. Sunrise, Sunset.
Is this the little boy I baby-sat?
Is this the older boy who rescued me once upon a time?
I will never grow older.
When did they?
When did Max get to be so handsome?
When did Chris finally get some talent?
Wasn't it yesterday
When they were young?
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the months
Apprentices turn overnight into vampire hunters
Staking even as we watch
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One decade following another
Laden with success and failures.
What words of wisdom did Gustav give them?
How can I make them go away?
Now they must learn from one another
Day by day
They work so naturally together
Just like a hunting team should be
I hope there isn't a stake in store for me
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the months
Apprentices turn overnight into vampire hunters
Staking even as we watch
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One decade following another
Laden with success and failures.
Muse: Sophie Metternich
Fandom: Dracula the Series
Words: 172