Dec 04, 2021 12:41
If I could be a month, I'd be May (promise of warm dry weather)
If I could be a day of the week, I'd be Sunday (nap day)
If I could be a moment of the day, I'd be the gloaming (twilight)
If I could be a planet, I'd be Earth (and you all are in so much trouble with me)
If I could be an animal, I'd be an otter (because ... otters)
If I could be a piece of furniture, I'd be an Eames Lounge chair
If I could be a drink, I'd be Dew (always)
If I could be a musical instrument, I'd be a piano
If I could be an emotion, I'd be hope
If I could be a vegetable, I (wouldn't care because I'd be a vegetable)
If I could be an element, I'd be oxygen
If I could be a song, I'd be The Best - Tina Turner
If I could be food, I'd be lasagna (ooOOoo)
If I could be a part of the body, I'd be a skeleton (strong)
If I could be a scent, I'd be an evergreen tree (hush, it's what happens when you live in the forest)
If I could be an object, I'd be a magnet
If I could be a school subject, I'd be English
If I could be a cartoon character, I'd be Lisa Simpson
If I could be a geometric figure, I'd be a heart (yes it is a geometric figure)
If I could be a number, I'd be 35 (again)
If I could be a country, I'd be Tonga (because, that's why)