Well, this is going to be interesting. There is another journal site I write on - Journal Community. Tygrr used to write there, my eldest daughter writes there and so does tygrr's mum. I mainly keep that diary up these days so they can keep up to date with what's been happening with us. It helps as we are in South Australia, my daughter is interstate in Queensland and tygrr's mum is in Arizona!
However I haven't written there since the last week in november - not because nothing's been happening, but because what has been happening hasn't been the sort of thing that one tells one's mother-in-law - especially as she hadn't known about our D/s lifestyle to begin with!
Sooooo, it had gotten to the point that she had to be told.
After all, foxy is with us nearly all week now and so much of what we do is either lifestyle based or involve him or cooper.
So tonight I've written an entry explaining why I haven't written there for some time. It's going to be interesting to see how tygrr's mom takes it, but it had to be done. After all, she's coming to visit this year for a couple of months and there is no way I'm going to not have foxy continue to come up and stay.
I think that's taken care of our weekend's entertainment!
In other news things continue to go well here. Foxy now stays up at least four days a week and it's now been decided that he will also stay every other friday so that he can tygrr can get to spend some time together too. They get on like a house on fire and like me, tygrr is very protective of him.
Troll spent a lot of time home this week with a tummy bug and while I love my troll I have to confess I am very much looking forward to her return to school this week so I get a little more me time again.
Other than that, life is simply going well. The only concern is that Bigfoot is not thriving, and I worry that we will lose him despite all the care we give him. Still, we've stepped up his nutrients again so let's see how that goes.
Now though, I have to go comfort tygrr - she's as nervous about outing herself to her mother about our lifestyle as she was about outing herself about being gay!