"Classy" white supremacy

May 12, 2013 20:27

The Political Freakshow has a post up about the "National Policy Institute." Nice bland name, isn't it? Especially for a white-supremacist think tank.

I don't want to link to their website or their videos, but apparently their latest video asks,Have you ever wondered, "Why isn’t there an organization that works for us?"

From African-Americans to illegal immigrants-from lesbians to left-handers-every ethnic and interest group has its own lobby or cultural foundation.

The exception is White Americans-our country’s historic majority and founding population-the people that bears [sic] the unique heritage of Europe, Christianity, cultural excellence, and the scientific awakening.

And there are our peculiar folkways-holidays, traditions, and customs-that make us both uniquely European and uniquely American.

Only we are who we are.

So why isn’t there an organization that has our interests at heart? Or maybe the question should be, Why isn’t there an organization that has our children’s interest at heart-as well as those of our grandchildren and generations yet to be born.

Don’t they deserve to live in a country akin to that of their ancestors’?
Political Freakshow again:The National Policy Institute is the 21st century version of the KKK. They’ve just exchanged the white robes and white sheets for plaid shirts, the burning crosses for fear-mongering YouTube videos, and the violence for a pseudo think tank.
Last night, Rachel Maddow connected the NPI to Jason Richwine, author of a racist study that hit the headlines last week. Richwine ties IQ to race and specifically claims that Latinos are dumber than whites. In reality, race is a social construct and IQ is (a) heavily shaped by environment and (b) variable during a person's lifetime. The wingnuts who claim liberals are "stifling intellectual inquiry" on this issue ignore reams of extant research on the subject, just as creationists do.

In the wake of this scandal, Richwine's employer, the right-wing Heritage Foundation, did damage control by cutting him loose Friday. However, they still stand by what Richwine wrote.

I'll note that Richwine's thesis, “IQ and Immigration Policy," was accepted by a three-member panel at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Here's some background on those three panelists. (Note that Richwine's acknowledgements page thanks Charles Murray, author of the similar book The Bell Curve, and repeatedly cites the work of J. Philippe Rushton.) People who think Harvard is progressive don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Cambridge is progressive; the university itself is a bastion of every sort of privilege.


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