To the shitwipe on the highway today

Apr 16, 2013 09:19

with New Hampshire plates and the following bumper sticker:SUPPORT OUR TROOPS - WE'LL NEED THEM TO OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNORS
If the United States weren't fucked up from top to bottom, human toilet brushes like you would be the first suspects taken in for questioning for what happened yesterday, not some poor sap who happened to be on the scene and brown.

Also, "our troops" != your personal army. I know at least a few ex-mil people who would kick eight shades of shit out of you for making that assumption.

Finally, as
keori said to that fascist ghoul Pamela Geller yesterday: Stay the fuck out of my hometown. I've never been a violent person so I'm not going to make empty threats, but many fewer liberals and progressives are pacifists than you think, and most of the ones who aren't, aren't needledicks who have to hide behind AR-15s in order to do you some damage.


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diaf, batshit wingnuts, crime, new england

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