sounds like a good description of
Davis Guggeinheim's campaign ad disguised as a documentary about Obama's first term in office. I can't watch video at work, so I'll have to take Ed Brayton's and
Glenn Greenwald's words for it:Please just watch this two-minute interview of Guggenheim by CNN’s Piers Morgan in which Guggenheim explains that nothing critical can or should be said of our President other than the fact that he is so Great that his Greatness cannot be sufficiently conveyed in a single film... all I can say is that this is the pure face of the Authoritarian Mind, but it is
as common as it is repellent.
Greenwald adds in comments: "That may be the most amazing part: if you have Piers Morgan scoffing at you for how sycophantic you are, that's just scary."
Other commenters, including a
recently retired teacher, discuss Guggenheim's pro-charter-school documentary
Waiting for Superman, a "propaganda puff piece for the corporate privatizers like the Bill Gates Foundation, the Broad Foundation, and the Walton (of the Walmart family) Foundation. Among the posted links is
this website debunking the film. There's a waiting list for the DVD, but it appears have have been
uploaded to YouTube in five parts.
Guggenheim also filmed An Inconvenient Truth.
AIT was mostly just a well produced video of Al Gore's Keynote presentation on Global Warming Theory, with little bits of biographical filler put in for flavor. In other words, the content was determined by Al Gore and science, and hardly at all by Guggenheim. By contrast, WFS was a video largely depicting Guggenheim's ideas and opinions on education, and because his ideas suck, the documentary sucked.
I can't find the new "documentary" mentioned on DailyKos, but I'm sure it'll appear soon. You'll know it does when you hear the SHHLURP SHHLURP SHHLURP.
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