Limbaugh Untergang (we can hope)

Mar 07, 2012 10:01

A total of 36 advertisers have pulled out of Lush Rimjob's show. Thousands of people have signed this petition to get him yanked off Armed Forces Radio Network (which, unfortunately, doesn't look likely to happen).

Also, I am shocked and gratified to see, in the neoconservative Washington Post no less, this blast by Gene Weingarten:I was surprised yet delighted that he finally forthrightly addressed his past criminal charges stemming from his addiction to prescription painkillers, saying he used them to numb his conscience to the terrible knowledge that his soul had become “a spavined, corrupt, shriveled, pathetic, withered little thing, not unlike my manhood.” That final reference was to a 2006 contretemps in which he was detained at an airport for carrying 29 100-mg Viagra pills in a mislabeled bottle. Yesterday, Limbaugh admitted this was enough Viagra “to arouse a corpse” but noted that he needs the extra stimulation since “the only woman I ever found truly sexy was my mommy, circa 1978.”
And Jon Stewart said of the Fluke comments, "Is it particularly vile Rush Limbaugh? Of course. That’s like saying this is a particularly pungent bucket of raw sewage mixed with rotting cow guts and typhoid."

Meanwhile, progressive women legislators are introducing bills such as one in Ohio that would seek to "regulate men's sexual health, from Viagra to vasectomies." (Anyone who wants to scream about two wrongs not making a right can fuck off. There is absolutely no danger that these bills will pass, and I question whether you give a shit about all the bills aimed at women.)

The kind of rhetoric Limbaugh has aimed at Sandra Fluke hurts women and girls. Case in point: "I've spent the last two days trying to convince my 16-year-old she is not a slut." The girl takes hormonal birth control to treat menorrhagia and secondary dysmenorrhea. Some of the little darlings in her school heard about it and are bullying her, and her right-wing history teacher seems to have encouraged them. (Update: The school is actually being responsive, rather than dismissive.)

That being DailyKos, there are mealy-mouthed idiots in the thread trying to draw a distinction between women who take birth control to control such conditions and women who take it strictly to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Wrong.When we allow these issues to be separated, women who take birth control, for birth control, and not for other health reasons are branded automatically as sluts. Do NOT allow them to divide us into women with health issues and women who just wanna have sex!! Just look at your abortion policy history! It's riddled with separating categories of abortion seekers into "good women" who through no fault of their own, need (but don't want) to have an abortion to save their own lives, vs, "bad women" who are irresponsible and just can't be bothered to have the baby!! Our abortion policy is littered with the sacrificed rights of "bad" women, to preserve the rights of"good" women!
     One again, we must remember that "Separate" is NOT "Equal"!
Better yet is Ginmar's approach: "What's wrong about being a slut? What's wrong about birth control? What's wrong about abortion?"

Sandra Fluke is still being attacked by assholes like cartoonist Gary McCoy, but Rush Limbaugh has moved onto a new target: A young, single white woman who had the temerity to write a book.What is it with all of these young single white women, overeducated - doesn’t mean intelligent. For example, Tracie McMillan, the author of this book, seems to be just out of college and already she has been showered with awards, including the 2006 James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism. Social justice journalism. This woman who wrote the book on food inequality, food justice, got an award for social justice journalism.
Horrors. Why didn't Tracie McMillan just get married right out of high school, stay home, have a bunch of babbies, and express her opinions nowhere but on BabyCenter?

McMillan has had a hardscrabble life; the research for her book, The American Way of Eating, is based on low-wage jobs in the food industry that she has held, some when she was as young as 14. Her Amazon bio concludes:Please note: I share personal details here not because my childhood is anyone's business but because, as a white woman who went to college, the default presumption is that I am elite. While my income is also nobody's business, I can tell you that I have lived well into the bottom third of America's income brackets the bulk of my adult life, and my fellowship, as noted below, is unpaid.
Her reaction to Limbaugh's projectile verbal diarrhea is one of bemusement:It’s totally bizarre. I had no idea that Rush Limbaugh knew that I existed. My grandmother would be thrilled, because she’s a fan of his.... It just didn’t really occur to me that my being single would have any bearing on whether whether my book was valid. It seems to be a way to dismiss my intelligence or capacity to do the work.
Bingo. Unlocked.

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abortion, books, food, misogyny, sociopaths in politics, secks, work, classism, assholes, birth control, education

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