At, unsurprisingly, the special-snowflake cesspit known as
Hoyden About Town (which has a lot of overlap with the late and unlamented Feminists With Disabilities).
kaz, Jo, Galling Galla, and other whiny Internet Asexuals are telling anyone who disagrees with AVEN dogma that they're not "good allies."
Well, that's cool, because slut-shaming, attention-hogging, oppression-appropriating, self-righteous IAs aren't my goddamn allies, either.
NO.Asexuals are completely invisible in the history of the Third Reich, but you know, I can’t imagine that if women are being persecuted for not being subservient to men, refusing to marry and have lots of children, that the authorities are really going to stop and look closely whether that refusal is because any given woman is sexually attracted to other women or not sexually attracted to anyone. “Not sexually attracted to men” (or “not willing to put up with patriarchial enforcement”) is the issue.
For fuck's sake. Women used to be expected not to like sex, just to "put up with" it, and that attitude is still with us in many ways. Don't quite a few asexuals say that they didn't realize their asexuality until later in life because of it? So how many women not just under the Third Reich but throughout history, most of whom would have been "sexuals," put up with sex because their husbands didn't care about pleasing them, because that's what the clergy told them to do, because they were exhausted from chores, because they had medical issues that weren't recognized or for which they couldn't have ever afforded treatment? For how many women is this true of now, in the "civilized" West?
And why is this person assuming a direct correlation between "asexual" and "not subservient"? Are no girls who will turn into asexual women ever enculturated to be meek and docile? And it's yet another implicit slap at sexual women, especially heterosexual women: That we're doormats.
Is it "sexualist" to say of IAs... fuck 'em?
Unlocked, and feel free to link far and wide. Same with
my previous post on the subject. These whiny-ass titty babies grind my gears and it would give me great pleasure to grind theirs right back.
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