First 0f aLL....
Happy Late New Years!! :-)
My new years was g00d... chiLLin... spent it with friends :-)... the 0nly thing was that i started t0 realize what i finaLLy want! I have been c0nfuzed f0r a while n0w as t0 if i want a b0ifriend 0r n0t and last nite i kinda g0t upset f0r a lil bit beause i wanted t0 have s0me0ne t0 spend my new years eve with and everything else with. I want s0me0ne wh0 cares ab0ut me as m0re than just a friend and wh0 isnt 0ut t0 just "get s0me." Bef0re i c0uldnt make up my mind and i dunn0 what helped me 0ut but suddenly i was like ...damn, i want a b0ifriend!...
In 0ther news i have a big pr0blem rite n0w with 0ne 0f my 2 guy best friends... He likes me and wants t0 be with me! I d0nt have th0se feelings f0r him and i never have. I d0nt and cant c0nsider him any m0re than just my best friend! I l0ve him t0 death but 0nly in that br0ther and sister way. I d0nt kn0w what t0 d0... he is texting me and caLLing me a l0t and keeps askin questi0ns that remind me 0f my ex... like "where y0u at" "wh0 y0u with" "why didnt u tell me u were g0nna g0 0ut" i'm jsut like ... guy! chiLL!!!. grrr i'm s0 frustrated
G00d news is that t0m0rr0w.. ((actually t0dai)) i am gettin my tatt00... ahhh :-)
Als0 i went t0 the m0vies t0nite and i went with Kika, Chinita, Laz, S0t0, J0rge, Adrian, Artur0, David, Sc0tty, Ale, and Steph... weLL J0rge, S0t0, and Laz are kathys friends that i met thr0ugh her... weLL i have a pr0blem because J0rge likes me but i am interested in s0t0 and s0t0 t0ld kathy he thinks i'm cute but durin the m0vie he sh0wed like n0 freakin sign 0f that. S0 i was like F it i quit tryin... i t0ld that t0 kathy after the m0vie and shes like he mite be like that because 0f j0rge... that s0t0 w0nt try anythin until he gets the 0k fr0m j0rge cuz thats his b0i... and i c0mpletely understand that but at the same time it is s0 frustrating b.c s0t0 is really cute and s0 nice... its amazin t0 find a guy like that. i mean... damn... i w0uld l0ve f0r me n him t0 get t0 kn0w each 0ther better but either he actually d0esnt want t0 0r he w0nt because 0f j0rge.. 0mg... i hate this!
0k well i really d0nt have much left t0 say... s0rrie ab0ut all the depressin shit! iLu guys! besit0z...
this is my tatt00 i'm gettin by the way