Dec 28, 2004 02:21
just a quikie! well my christmas was awesome! i spent it withmy family in port st lucie and came home sunday night and chilled with kahy and brittany! it was str8 as fcuk! 0k thats all f0r t0nite... i'm just g0nna d0 this survey that i g0t fr0m my l0ve kika! cuz i'm BORED l0l
[x] they call me: Shauna
[x] also: Shauntii, Bl0ndy, Ms_Av0n
[x] sex: femaLe
[x] my first breath of air: feb. 15, 1988
[x] age: 16
[x] status: Single
[x] occupation: Student and McD0nalds w0rker lma0.. hate that place!
[x] nationality: Gringita
[x] best homegirls/homeboys: Chinita & Kikita/ Migue & Ricky
[x] most memorable memory: t0ugh 0ne!
[x] worst?: my uncle passing away
[x] first word uttered?: d0nt kn0
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: Ana Pineda
_______fAst fOrward_______
[x] college planning to go to: s0mewhere in n0rth fl0rida
[x] future resident of : n0rth fl0rida
[x] wedding: beach
[x] children: 2
[x] looking forward to: my tatt00 in a FEW days!
[x] NOT looking forward to: the pain 0f that tatt00 l0l
[x] feeling: C0nfuzed
[x] Listening: t0 the t.v.
[x] Talking to: n0 0ne
[x] doing: n0thin
[x] thinking of: EVERYTHING
[x] craving: n0thin
[x] missing: we w0nt menti0n that 0ne!
[x] hating: b0iiz... l0l
[x] song: Mario-Let me Love you
[x] radio station: 103.5 , 96.5 , 99.1
[x] tv show: E.R.
[x] channel: n0ne
[x] site:
[x] movie: dirty dancing
[x] store : d'0r
[x] mall: d0lphin
[x] hang out spot: anywhere with my friends
[x] actor: n0ne
[x] actress: n0ne
[x] food: shrimp
[x] character: tigger
[x] book: harry p0tters! ((i'm a nerd l0l))
[x] love is: painful :-(
[x] first real love: Chui
[x] current love: stiLL him...
[x] love or lust?: l0ve
[x] best love song: back at one-brian mcknight
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: dunn0
[x] when love hurts, you: cry! g0 t0 kathy and kika t0 cheer me up
[x] true or false: all you need is love: false
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: n0
_______MaLE / fEmAlE sPeCiEs_______
[x] turn ons: smiLEz.. a guy that kn0wz h0w t0 kiss.. a guy that kn0wz h0w t0 h0ld a girl.. a guy that kn0wz h0w t0 treat a girl.. kisses.. cuddlin.. nice b0dy..
[x] turn offs: bad breath.. liarz.. playerz.. pe0ple wh0 cant keep my name 0ut their m0uth.. smelly guyz.. c0nceited guyz..
[x] does your parent`s opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: yea
[x] what kinda hair style?: d0esnt matter just n0t dirty l00kin
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: care f0r me!
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: anywhere!
[x] are you the type of person to ‘holler?n ask for numbers?: n0pe
________pIcky pIcKy______
[x] dog or cat : puppy!
[x] short or long hair: l0ng
[x] innie or outie: innie
[x] sunshine or rain: sunshine
[x] moon or sun: either is str8
[x] basketball or football: f00tball
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: BOTH!
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 best friend
[x] tv or radio: radio
[x] starbucks or jamba juice: jamba juice?!?!
[x] mc donalds or burger king: burger king lma0
[x] summer or winter: summer
[x] written letters or e-mails: written letters
[x] playstation or nintendo: ps2
[x] disney or nickelodeon: disney
[x] car or motorcycle: BOTH
[x] house party or club: both
[x] sing or dance: dance
[x] freak or slow dance: either!
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: aim
[x] google or ask jeeves?: g00gle
[x] can you swim?: yup
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: d0nt remember
[x] whats under your bed?: an0ther pull 0ut bed
[x] what are you scared of?: sharks...
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: ?????
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: a high 0ne l0l
[x] do you like tomatoes?: yea
[x] internet connection: dsl
[x] how many TVs in the house?: 2
[x] how many phones?: 4
[x] how many residents?: 3
[x] how many DVDs do you have?: like 20 ?!
[x] last dentist visit: few m0nths ag0
[x] last doctor visit: while ag0
[x] last phone call: like 40 mnutes ag0 l0l
More cool stuff ! wOot wOot
Current mood :: c0nfuzzlled
Current music :: the keyb0ard l0l
Current taste :: salsa
Current hair :: pony
Current clothes :: pjs
Current annoyance :: my th0ts
Current smell :: n0thin
Current thing I ought to be doing :: sleepin l0l
Current desktop picture: wh0 kn0s.. s0methin weird
Current favorite band :: n0ne
Current book :: n0ne
Current cd in stereo :: burned
Current crush :: n0b0dy :-/
Current favorite celeb :: n0ne
Current hate :: my ex
Smoke? :: naw
drugs? :: naw
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: n0pe
Read the newspaper? :: n0pe
have any gay or lesbian friends? :: many
Believe in miracles? :: s0metimes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: um.... f0r s0me pe0ple
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: yea!!!
Consider love a mistake? :: n0
Like the taste of alcohol? :: yea
Have a favorite candy? :: s0ur w0rms
Believe in astrology? :: dunn0
Believe in magic? :: um... well... ??
Believe in God? :: Definitely
Have any pets? :: 2 puppys 1 turtle
Go to or plan to go to college ? :: yea
Have any piercings? :: 4 in 0ne ear.. 3 in 0ther.. and belly
Hate yourself :: n0pe
Have an obsession? :: naw
Have a secret crush? :: naw
Care about looks? :: n0t really
Ever been in love? :: sadly yes!
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: n0
Do you believe in "the one?" :: um... maybe
Describe your ideal significant other :: cares f0r me and treats me g00d
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? :: naw
Have you ever been intoxicated? :: hell yea l0l
Height :: 5'3
Bought :: jeans :-) and 2 shirts
Ate :: chips n salsa
drank :: pepsi
Read :: kikas LJ
Watched on tv :: cribs
club or houseparty: either
drinks or shots :: either
cats or dogs :: dogs
single or taken :: single
pen or pencil :: pen
gloves or mittens :: neither
food or candy :: food
cassette or cd :: cd
coke or pepsi :: coke
this or that :: um... wow
kill :: n0 0ne
look like :: me
be like :: me
avoid :: my ex
talked to :: Chinita
hugged :: Migue
instant messaged :: s0me guy fr0m 0nline
eat :: togos!
cry :: my r00m.. t0 my best friends
wish you were :: with my best friends
Dated one of your best friends? :: sadly yes!
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: t0 0ften
Drank alcohol? :: yea
Done drugs? :: n0
Broken the law? :: d0nt think s0
Run away from home? :: naw
Broken a bone? :: yup
Played Truth Or Dare? :: yea
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: d0nt think s0
Been in a fight? :: n0t a fist fight
Come close to dying? :: d0nt think s0
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: dunn0
Your bedroom like? :: n0w its clean
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: pancakes
Your favorite restaurant? :: china buffets
What's on your bedside table? :: lamp.. alarm cl0ck... cell
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: anythin yummy
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: deep impact
What is your biggest fear? :: sharks
What feature are you most insecure about? :: tummy
Do you ever have to beg? :: .s0metimes
Are you a pyromaniac? :: . n0
Crushes? :: n0ne
Do you know anyone famous? :: n0
Describe your bed :: c0mfy
Spontaneous or plain? :: sp0ntane0us
Do you know how to play poker ? :: n0
What do you carry with you at all times? :: cell ph0ne and keys
How do you drive? :: g00d :-)
What do you miss most about being little? :: everything
Are you happy with your given name? :: yea
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? :: dunn0
What color is your bedroom? :: white and burgundy
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: yea
Do you think you're cute? :: at times
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: n0...
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: s0mtimes
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend , or your friends? :: friends n0w
Have you ever been caught "doing something?" :: lmfa0... yea
Are you a tease? :: naw
Shy to make the first move? :: n0t really
Rubber :: duckii
Punk :: r0cker
Green :: st pats day
Peanut :: butter
Wet :: lma0... we w0nt g0 there
Hay :: stack
Cold :: sweater
Steamy :: ......
Freaky :: lmfa0... erika.
Rain :: fun
Bite :: me
Blow :: y0urself
f0r all 0f y0u wh0 made it thr0ugh that c0ngratulati0ns l0l ... besit0s g00d nite