Vidding: Vid

Apr 27, 2006 00:20

Well...... I've decided to rerip my Batman vid this time using DVDDecrypter and VDub more time.

I tried a while back using this combo, but looking over
azonia's tut which can be found here, it all finally clicked.  Well, one crucial itty bitty tidbit of info finally fell into place...marking in and out.   For some reason, this idea always defeated me but looking at her piccies, I finally got it. 
brihana25 goes through one more step using Avisynth but I think I'll forget that hoop for a while.  I'm just not into writing scripts and VDub has enough filters that I think I have enough to work with.

So, I've now have 15 out of 40 chapters set up ready to produce my avi files.  I have them on delayed processing so the magic can happen while I am getting some much needed sleep.

One tad of info Azo missed in this tut was the link for downloading the Panasonic AFW DV Codec which can be found here.  This link includes a link to download the codec plus info on how to install it.   My version of VDub did not come with that codec...not sure any one's does.

Tomorrow night's mission, should I decide to accept...which I will...finish prepping the rest of the 40 chapters into avi clips.

And to think....I had already finished chopping up all my other rips down to the frame-by-frame scene level change.   *great gnashing of teeth*

What we do to try to strive for purdier vids...that no will see and if they do...won't bother to comment....even if they like...

BUT..... ourselves will be that much the richer for going through the learning process, the satisfaction of achievement ....and it will finally shut up satisfy our muses and let them get on with finding something else to nag inspire us to create.


vid tech

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