What she could have said...snappy comebacks not said by Cynthia McKinney

Apr 11, 2006 18:55

So who is Cynthia McKinney you ask?  If you haven't been watching the news lately, network or cable, you must be living under a rock.

This is who she says she is...congressional profile
This is what others think she is:  Read here and here and here...and I could go on and on but I won't.

This is the lastest snafu that has landed her in the media spotlight.  This is just one of many, many articles you can read here and here and here and on and on....

Talk about sucking the oxygen outta room.  She is so full of hot air now, she just may explode all over the Dems who happen to be too close....oh ewwwww.  This imagery totally squicked me.  Anyway...she managed single handily along with the illegal alien issue to take the spotlight off of Tom DeLay.   Ahhh conspiracy theory:  DeLay paid her off to make a spectacle of herself.  No...?  She managed to do it all by herself?  Props to her.  Side note:  I have to say, with friends like Belafonte and Danny Glover...I would rather not have any.

By the way...if anyway watched some of the footage when McKinney made her 'apology' to the great spirits in the sky...did you notice that none of the members of the CBC looked at her or the camera?  The Honorable Sheila Jackson-Lee NEVER. ONCE. LOOKED. UP.  Now THAT woman...I would recognize and do...but thinkin' about it, it's really based on her hair.  If she changed her hair style...not sure I would recognize her.

Before I get to 'the list', a few comments by yours truly:  I've seen those congressional pins....up close...and they don't look all that special to me.  They are small, and something that in my humble opinion.... could be copied by someone crazy enough to do it.  And if this little lapel pin is considered to be ID in addition to face recog....give me a freakin' break.

Now....THE LIST....
What she could have said to the Capital Police....if she was that bright and quick on her feet rather than sticking her feet in her mouth:

1.  I've got to fire my hairstylist.  I told him no one would recognize me.
2.  I couldn't do a thing with my hair this morning.
3.  So what...I got up late this morning and I didn't have time for my coffee much less my hair.
4.  And I thought I was unforgettable.  * I've used this one myself.
5.  Honey, you don't recognize me from last night?

And my most number one favorite and one that I use myself.... drumroll please.....
****   Yeah, all of us (insert appropriate flavor) all look alike.  ****

Now that I've gotten this off my chest (as flat as it already is)....time to turn my attention to something else just as unworthy.

waw, hot air

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