You gotta be kidding me...

May 17, 2006 07:43

Dear Lucasarts,

I recently got to check out the trailer for the new Indiana Jones game you showed at E3 this year. You mentioned in the trailer that the player would never see the same outcome in a situation. You showed animations of men flying into a car, and landing in a different position every time.

So, I wanted to congratulate you on discovering PHYSICS ENGINES. Technology that has been in use for a solid 5 years, at the very least. That's commendable that you would finally discover this new-fangled concept, and put it into your bland, and wholly uninteresting looking game.

Enough sarcasm. I can't believe you guys canceled the sequels to both Full Throttle, and Sam and Max, so that you could develop this SWILL. You have lost a loyal customer.

Eat a dick,

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