(no subject)

Jan 22, 2008 12:17

Sunday Conlan and I competed in an A rated show at 2.5 feet and we were champion in our division. Yesterday we were at a C rated show and our division didn't fill, so we competed in the next division up which is 2'9" and combines pros and amateurs. We were fifth, but top amateur. My trainer said we did better than some of the pros but politically the judges often rank the pros higher. On the downside, the electric fence was down across the gate to Con's field on Sunday and in the dark we didnakt see it. I got tangled in it and "clotheslined" my horse. He kicked me in the knee jumping out, pulling the wire taught around my ankle and dragging me. I have a purple and black hoofprint on my leg and bruising up my thigh, and my ankle is swollen, but I rode anyway. Boy does it hurt, though. Con is fine.

My boo boo 2 days later:

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