Pink flamingoes?
Fan-Girl and Wubbles encounter the odd conundrum of Shatner, Spader and pink flamingoes. Wubbles to investigate...
Meanwhile, Back At The News Stand...
Lost luggage! Doc and other friends lost luggage. No clean underpants?! Chicago airport ate my friends! Delays galore! Fan-Girl outraged! Is Norhtwest Airlines conspiring to withhold Fan-Girl's friends?
Thunder and lightning coming. Fan-Girl and Wubbles very afraid, Doc fascinated. This is what I get for rooming with a brain. (grin)
Dressed like Abby from NCIS. The horror of pigtails. Can't get them properly aligned. Houston, we will have a go...
Oooh, flashback to 80s and horrible stint as Goth-Girl and dis-tempered child. Not good. Feed self a piece of chocolate to reset karma. (Mr. Wubbles tries not to snicker...)
Almost sold out on The Brotherhood Yea! Er, I think....Two more con days to go. Eek!
Picked up 5 zines already. And not even from exploring the Dealer's room yet...
Open-faced roast beef at
Bob Evan's is good for karma. Mmmm....
Day 3 with no Red Bull. Day 3 with little sleep.(Wubbles looks nervously at Fan-Girl and contemplates hiding in her luggage until caffeine withdrawal ends...
Roll Tape...
Fan vids! Yes. Not many this year. Shame a lot of the online misic vidders don't consider sending stuff to MediaWest. Live studio audience. Ooh.
Fantastic stuff as usual. Yea on the represent of Supernatural! (Fan-Girl conspires with others in brainwashing Doc to see Supernatural). Actually ended on time and EARLY.
Doesn't mean we went to bed on time anyway. As my friend would say it: "Sleep is a crutch for the weak..."
Ain't weak yet. Totally fin- Zzzzz
(Wubbles roll over and takes a snooze)
Score So Far: 4 fanzines bought, 0 fans brainwashed, 0 workout clothes used, unmentionable calories consumed, 3.25 hours of sleep, 4 coffees, 3 biscuits and 1 open faced roast beef consumed at Bob Evans