Day 2 MediaWest (Why Wubbles Need A Nap)

May 27, 2006 19:50


Morning. Ack, dreaded morning. Why must morning come so bright and so....sunny? Wubbles no like and much rather wave hand at roommate here and pray a coffee cup would materialize. Breakfast? Yes, breakfast sounds very good. But caffeine sounds much better.

It's day 2 of Mediawest and I must say it's all a blur. Tried going to panels and that was fun. The slingshots and flaming arrows have tapered off this year to cheerful glib remarks with only a scant occasional filibuster from a fan "who knows all". Much different from conventions past and the panels were very friendly. (Mr. Wubbles is pleased and very zen-like, eats a salty oat cookie).

Tamer door decorations this year. Some very fun interaction ones. But again with the Pink Flamingo. Okay, seen the vids. Other than a very disturbing image of Shatner and Spader in panty hose (Mr. Wubbles says "Noooo! My beady eyes!"), am still in the dark about its charm.

Must say though, seeing Shatner's Denny Crane and his POV on how to fish was quite hilarious.

Bob Evan's roast beef with mashed potatoes and celery dressing again for lunch. Help! I can't stop! Currently feeling much like beef on Texas toast.

Wandered into Dealer's room. Just for a peek. No, really, just looking, I- Ooh, didn't see that one before. Ooh, new issue for Magnificent 7? Okay, I guess I can take a quick peek- Eek! When did they come out with some many issues of the Kuryakin File? Score!

(Fan-Girl promises first-born to zine publisher. Mr. Wubbles shakes his head in dismay, then promptly picks up his trib copy to read)

Later That Night...

Stargate party! Much love to be found. I think it should also be named as "How Many Fans Can You Fit in One Room With A 6 Foot Sub?" Party. I've never seen such a huge crowd. Coolness...

Operation: Brainwash New Fans to Supernatural Begins!

Nothing like playing hour after hour of angsty brotherly episodes. Friend slowly getting brainwashed. Seeing lightblub lit and the fan questions begin...(Mr Wubbles cackles evilily)

Ooh, knee now doing the "I Don't Wanna" chant. I don't wanna bend. I don't wanna move. I don't wanna get you off this floor and mobile for whatever reason. I don't wanna a Tylonel! (Mr. Wubbles curses said joint and hobbles up...) This is what I get sitting on the carpet and totally zoning out on Supernatural. Like, I've only seen them a gazillion times. Somehow watching them with a group of friends makes them much better. That's the great thing about Mediawest are the random vid marathons all over the hotels. But oy, to sit there and zone for so long. Where's my Blair Sandburg?

Even Later That Night...

There IS a 24 hour place that doesn't involve driving, a driver's license at the door, and smelling like smokes afterwards! Wonderful place called Steak-n-Shake that looks like a 20's diner. Lat night munchies! (Mr. Wubbles happy with his cheesy fries and dark chocolate milk shake. OOoh, here comes the sugar high, Wubbles...)

Score So Far: 12 fanzines bought, 2 fans brainwashed, 0 workout clothes used, 6000 calories consumed, 2.5 hours of sleep, 2 coffees, 2.5 biscuits and 1 open faced roast beef consumed at Bob Evans

blair sandburg, shatner, magnificent 7, pink flamingo, denny crane, mediawest

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