Ross/Rachel vs. Marshall/Lily - I went with Marshall/Lily. Ross & Rachel were a bit weird at times.
Buffy/Spike vs. Kurt/Blaine - I do not care. I did not vote. I will not vote.
Desmond/Penny vs. Doctor/Rose - DOCTOR/ROSE! \o/ (Even though I do like Desmond/Penny.)
Darrin/Samantha vs. Lucy/Ricky - I voted for Lucy/Ricky by default, even though I'm not a huge fan. BECAUSE DARRIN IS THE BIGGEST DICK IN THE WORLD AND WAS EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE. I HAVE BEWITCHED FEELINGS IN EXCESS OF WHAT A 60's SITCOM SHOULD INSPIRE. If you can't quite tell, I loathe Darrin. Both Darrins (although one Darrin was mildly better than the other, although not by much.)