Speaking of tumblr, it constantly lies. I haven't watched the latest Doctor Who episode (or any episode for a while), but this is what happened in the ep based on what I've seen on tumblr.
- Every last thing Clara does has been done by Rose before. Well OK, you say, most companions do the same things all the time. But no! I mean, Clara is doing identical things to Rose. And it is meaningful. Tumblr has gif sets.
- This is because Rose is her mother.
- Or possibly Amy is.
- Even though Clara has onscreen parents.
- But in any case Clara was created by Bad Wolf. Because of reasons. (Which do not include Moffat having a clue about past canon. That would include reading and/or watching stuff that isn't his.)
- Those swirling symbols above the new TARDIS console? They're the names of all the former companions. (Or a recipe for a kick-ass gazpacho.)
- Eleven had FEELINGS. Where he acknowledged the Time War and the fact that he had a granddaughter. (Due to Moffat running across that supplemental info in an article where he was interviewed. I KID, I KID. OR DO I?)
- People are happy that Clara doesn't like time travel? Or is not impressed with it or something. PEOPLE, THIS IS A TRAIT OF PERI. THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING. IT'S MAUVE ALERT TIME. NOT EVEN SORRY TO PERI FANS.