You are Captain America. You are Captain America. Noble, a good leader, and believes in justice and fairness. You have all the qualities a great and noble hero would have. You are powerful, and would do whatever is right. You would do anything to make justice prevail. You care about others, and put the safety of others before you. You are dearly respected because of all your good qualities. You fight the fair fight, and always make those villains pay for their crimes.How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Still at least Nicolas Cage isn't going to screw my movie up (yet) ;p
I'm Dead.
Which Super Hero Are You
You are Captain America.
You are Captain America. Noble, a good leader, and believes in justice and fairness. You have all the qualities a great and noble hero would have. You are powerful, and would do whatever is right. You would do anything to make justice prevail. You care about others, and put the safety of others before you. You are dearly respected because of all your good qualities. You fight the fair fight, and always make those villains pay for their crimes.How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Still at least Nicolas Cage isn't going to screw my movie up (yet) ;p
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