Drabbles x 50%

Nov 02, 2007 23:18

How come the Birds of Prey girls just flow off my fingers these days?

Over here I asked for drabble prompts...

... those who know me well know I like to try 'perfect' drabbles for these things.

So, ralst, merfilly and darandkerry here are your 'not-so-perfect' drabbles.

Title: Hard Spherical Objects
Author: mrswoman
Fandom/Pairing: BoP TV/Barbara/Helena
Words: 100
Prompt: Shy
Requester: ralst


"Just a little more to the right."

As Helena leaned over her, so close they were almost one, Barbara shivered.

"Not there, Hel, there."

Helena sighed; the whisper blowing soft as a caress over Barbara's already sensitized skin.

"Okay, I think you're there; just a little this way."

She moved the hand a millimetre left and watched as fingers twitched in anticipation.

"Just do it, Hel."

The tip of Helena's tongue shone as it peaked through her swollen lips, concentrating.


Barbara held her breath, waiting.

"Ah come on, Babs, how difficult can it be to knock a coconut down."


Title: Firsts
Author: mrswoman
Fandom/Pairing: BoP TV/Barbara/Helena/Carolyn Lance
Words: 100
Prompt: Old-times
Requester: merfilly


Barbara looked from one woman to the other.

One young, carefree and vibrant; dark hair shining almost black, eyes flashing vivid blue; one older, battle-weary and drawn; blond hair glistening with grey and tell-tale black roots, eyes a calming blue.

Resting her hand in the small of the younger woman's back, she claimed what she knew to be hers.

There really was no contest.

Not now.

Seeing a nod of acknowledgment, she grabbed a small calloused hand, brushing her thumb in a remembered gesture that said enough.

After all, it was a well known fact you never forget the first.


Title: In Plain Sight
Author: mrswoman
Fandom/Pairing: CSI/Cath/Sofia
Words: 100
Prompt: Secrets
Requester: darandkerry



"Oh God, please hurry, I'm here, waiting, ready for you."

Catherine's heart skipped, as the raspy voice she'd been unable to resist continued.

"Want to know what I'm wearing?"

"Do I?"

"Well, the leather…"

Minutes later Catherine was hot, ready, her body a tingling mess.

A noise in the hallway brought her frazzled brain to its senses.

"I've got to go, Sofia; see you in 30 minutes."

The door opened just as she dropped the receiver.

"Hey, Babe. Who was that?"

"Oh, no one important, just Gil, I'm needed early tonight. Don't wait up, huh, I might be late."

Hope these were ok? And the other 50% will be up before the weekends out; as soon as ideas hit :)

drabbles, meme, fic

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