The 31 Aspects Meme

May 23, 2006 21:40

After reading the wonderful fics that both ralst and ariestess have thrown out because of this fascinating meme I've finally decided to give it a go.

There are 31 aspects. Pick one, add some details, like show, pairing, prompt etc. and I'll write a ficlet in response ( Read more... )

meme, fic

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25: Disheveled Helena - BOP Comicverse Part 1 mrswoman June 16 2006, 22:19:54 UTC
Title: In the Shadow of a Blizzard

I only seem able to write you fluff, hope that’s ok?


"Huntress, Huntress."

The voice rang out, too loud in the subtly dimmed living room where Helena Bertinelli was snuggling down ready to watch ‘A Wonderful Life’ her usual Christmas Eve indulgence.

She rose from the couch to fetch her comm. set, and growled, "F**king hell, Oracle, give me a chance will you?"

"Language, my dear."

"Don't ‘my dear’ me, Oracle, what do you want, it's Christmas Eve here, you know?"

Sitting in the beginnings of softly falling snow, Barbara Gordon did indeed know it was Christmas Eve. She smiled evilly, but softened her tone a touch.

"Yeah, I know, but I really do need your help, Huntress. Please?"

As always, the addition of a soft please undid Helena.

"Ok, tell me where, then give me five minutes to change."

"No, No. You don't need to change, not for this, I just need you. Now!"

Feeing her heart flip at the words, Helena sighed; her changing relationship with Barbara was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing they were becoming a little more than friends; a curse they were going so damned slow. Helena/Huntress didn't do slow and it was killing her. Sweet kisses were not enough, she needed passion, she needed more.

"Ok, ok, tell me where."

"Head over to Gotham City Park. I'll give you more details when I can."


"F**king blizzard... Whatever possessed me to agree to this... damn snow, just got my hair settled, then... snow, snow... and no word from her. I'll kill her when I... Christmas Eve and I'm trekking through a damn blizzard... should be curled up with cocoa, James Stewart..."

Huntress muttered to herself.. She was cold, wet and angry. Setting off into the Gotham night, the snow had steadily grown heavier and heavier until she felt like the abominable snowman. No further word from Oracle was not improving her mood in the slightest.

“*NO* need for James Stewart”

A jealous crackle shattered her monotone and Huntress growled immediately.

"Oracle, if that's you, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands when I see you. It's dead out here, even the damn criminals know it's better to be inside tonight of all nights. And where..."

"Huntress, Huntress, calm down... of course it’s me."

"CALM DOWN, I'll calm down you, I'm wet and cold..."

She heard something that sounded like giggling in the background of her ear-piece and stopped still.

"... What was that? It's not funny."

"Nothing Helena. Look I need you to take the next right turn and keep in touch now."

"*I* never went out of touch"

She turned right and again stopped short.

"Right, you said? It's an alley, and dark, are you sure?"

"Helena, what's wrong? Surely, *you're* not frightened of a little dark."

Helena could hear more giggling.

"If you're winding me up..."

"Helena, I promise if you do this little job for me, you can enjoy the rest of Christmas in peace. Now, hurry, before it's too late."

Once more softened by the tone of her friend's voice, Huntress failed to recognise the distinct echo in her receiver, indicating that the two participants were in closer proximity than usual, and certainly missed that Oracle had stopped calling her Huntress over the comm. set, something she never did, unless there were...

She exited the alley.

... Outsiders nearby.


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