The 31 Aspects Meme

May 23, 2006 21:40

After reading the wonderful fics that both ralst and ariestess have thrown out because of this fascinating meme I've finally decided to give it a go.

There are 31 aspects. Pick one, add some details, like show, pairing, prompt etc. and I'll write a ficlet in response ( Read more... )

meme, fic

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Comments 71

ralst May 23 2006, 21:13:22 UTC
18. Naive Girl - Barbara (BoP tv-verse) - oblivious to the obvious

And if I can have two?

8. Excited Girl - Wendy (CSI) - Wendy/Sofia


mrswoman May 23 2006, 22:04:20 UTC
And if I can have two?

Of course you can have two, as long as you tell me how to edit the table to write claimed and/or fic title and who for next to the number :D


18: Naive Barbara Gordon - Part 1 mrswoman June 16 2006, 22:13:58 UTC
Title: Stating the Obvious ( ... )


18: Naive Barbara Gordon - Part 2 mrswoman June 16 2006, 22:16:23 UTC
Title: Stating the Obvious - Part 2 ( ... )


joran May 23 2006, 21:40:53 UTC
25 Disheveled Girl, Huntress, comics universe. :) And snow would be great!


mrswoman May 23 2006, 22:04:58 UTC
:) Sounds good.


25: Disheveled Helena - BOP Comicverse Part 1 mrswoman June 16 2006, 22:19:54 UTC
Title: In the Shadow of a Blizzard ( ... )


25: Disheveled Huntress Comicverse Part 2 mrswoman June 16 2006, 22:23:18 UTC
Title: In The Shadow of a Blizzard - Part 2 ( ... )


geonncannon May 23 2006, 22:45:52 UTC
* 24. Bath-Time Girl
* Stargate SG-1
* Janet/Sam
* Sam makes Janet a bubble bath after a long, hot, no-good, very bad day. :D


24: Bath-time Janet mrswoman July 13 2006, 19:20:14 UTC
Title: Exasperation ( ... )


Re: 24: Bath-time Janet geonncannon July 13 2006, 19:35:50 UTC
Aww, that was perfect! Thank you so much! *hugs* I was in such a Sam/Janet mood today and this was the perfect solution! Thank you!


Re: 24: Bath-time Janet mrswoman July 13 2006, 23:09:26 UTC
You're welcome, hon :) I enjoyed making this story into a Sam/Janet one, thanks for the push.


ariestess May 24 2006, 01:55:41 UTC
just one for now...

10. Dancing Girl -- Sofia, with Sara and Catherine watching *veg*


mrswoman May 24 2006, 19:56:24 UTC
Oh, I like that one but know what I'd really like?

Um, a prompt for one of the pairings in LWM. I'd really like to try something in that universe... you know what I like writing by now, tempt me with a *good* prompt, please?


ariestess May 25 2006, 02:57:17 UTC
Okay, I can do that...

#31. Pregnant Girl :: Dace. You'd commented liking the whole Dace having a craving for fisting Sara thing when I wrote it... So my "prompt" is to have you try your hand at Dace doing just that, while pregnant, of course.

shatterpath wants to note that it'll have taken them a long time to get to that point, as Sara's built like she'd be a pretty tight fit...

And if that doesn't work, let me know, and I'll come up with something else...


mrswoman May 25 2006, 13:10:48 UTC
Oh my!

I asked for that one, didn't I? ;-)

Yes, ariestess and shatterpath I *would* like to give this one a try. In fact, my brain started to write it straight away, just wish my hands had the time before this holiday of mine to comply. Let me get my Calendar fic written and I'll see what I can do.

shatterpath maybe I need to read book 5 first because my brain started writing this amazing back-story involving joint living arrangements that your book will probably totally disagree with... *shrug* we'll see how much time I get, you could always edit it...


(The comment has been removed)

mrswoman May 24 2006, 19:51:33 UTC
Yes... thank you for this prompt, I really ought to try and write more in the tv-verse :)


30: Protective Girls BOP TV-Verse Part 1 mrswoman August 2 2006, 17:45:31 UTC
Sorry this is so late :( But it's here ( ... )


30: Protective Girls BOP TV-Verse Part 2 mrswoman August 2 2006, 17:47:32 UTC
Reversal of Fortune - Part 2 ( ... )


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