Jul 21, 2010 16:31

OMFG the new That Mitchell and Webb Look is better than ever. Hilarious as always, and way hotter if that's possible. David Mitchell is going to kill me. I've done a bit of a picspam with screencaps of the new two episodes, but before I shall rant about how Fry & Laurie-esque Mitchell & Webb are..

The first sketch of the new series reminded me so much of Fry and Laurie. I've said before how they remind me of them, but I never really got to explain it. If you've seen this sketch you'll know what I'm talking about. It really reminds me, though they are quite different, to the one where F&L are talking about standards specially at the end. But the thing is, the four, in general, are so similar in many things: They met at Cambridge Footlights, and they've said they became close friends because "made each other laugh a lot", which is exactly what F&L say about each other all the time. David shall be the intelligent one who plays the captains and serious people in general, and Rob has the looks, plays the silly ones, and loves to get hit by David. But that's just an image, because Rob is certainly quite brainy too. David is just everywhere on telly, while Rob is married and looking after his kid. And even if they are very different, they are the closest friends of each other. I don't know, maybe it's common to all comic geniouses, but I just couldn't resist the idea.

Anyway, enough of talking.
Moar of the Fry&Lauriesque sketch

'Are you still working on that list about how awesome I am, Rob?' 'Yeah. Listen: You're witty, and have angry logic, and rant about averything, you are 52 at heart, you are cute and hot and awkward and...' 'Enough. People shall love me already.' 'Hear.'

My fandom think personal space is boring

'Oh dear.' 'Rob, is ok. I understand. When I look at myself for too long at the mirror it happens to me too. Tell you what: Let's call that other cute guy.' 'Hello guys, anyone said threesome?'

Random forearm!porn

I am a bit like that. A hell of a grammar nazi. Not in English because obviously mine is not perfect. But in Spanish I'm an arse. Also, David looks hot as hell with a gun.

How cute is David in this one? Also, I love Keeley Haws. I think they look great together. I might as well ship them.

And finally... THE SKETCHES.
He's good at cunnilingus, so, he just has to look supirior for the whole sketch

All of them agree. Rob is thinking what he has done wrong not to know about David's talent.

No words needed here. Just UNF.

Oh bollocks to the screencaps. You deserve the real thing: 5:25 - This is genuinelly the most erotic thing I have ever seen. Seriously. UNF. I have nothing more to say. UNF.

image Click to view

I wonder how much of it might be true. I mean, am i the only one who has tought of this while watching the sketch?


Also, if you haven't heard this weeks Sorry I Haven't a Clue, do it. David was hilarious on it. There's a joke envolving piss (not literally) which got me crying with laughter. I still LOL when I remember it. So, there.

P.s.: On monday I passed out watching The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2009, in the middle of a rant of his. That is how much he EXCITES me.

david mitchell, keeley hawes, big fat quiz of the year, unf, mitchell&webb, fry&laurie

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