Whatever makes you 'appy.

Jun 29, 2010 23:38

So, I've been all day (stopping to goout with my friends, obviously) putting together a massive David Mitchell picspam. So, here it is. It also guest stars Dara Ó Briain (quite a lot of him to be honest, as it's predictable), Alan Davies, Robert Webb, Jimmy Carr, Charlie Brooker, Stephen Fry, Peter Capaldi, and maybe others, but I'm not entirely sure right now xD. Clicky click the link if you are interested in the hotness. And you know you are....

...and so does David.

This might well be my new favourite photo of him *-*

Imagine waking up and finding a David in your bed. Then you go to the bathroom, and a sad!David is there. Another sad!one in the stairs. And yet another in the backyard smoking a pipe. Only to find that when you arrive back home, there's another David waiting for you in bed! *doesn't wake up from her dream*

I love this ones! Specially the second one which I have just found *-*

Bully!David and Bullied!David were both adorable!

Best bromance ever? Maybe not. But one of the best ones? Hell yeah.

A bit of Robert because he's very pretty

Am I weird becuase I find YoungDrag!David really hot?

David and Dara love to compete over who can look hotter and more interested on whatever Stephen might be saying, while having a napkin inside one of their nosetrils. Then, they like some staring competition.

Cricket lover. But he hates football. Is there anything which is not perfect about this man? *sigh*

Yet again a little bit of Dara/David. They love hugging themselves.

Bromance! The first one cracks me up xD

God, the way he puts his hands over his mouth... *melts*

I'd like to say I didn't watch this just for him but... Who am I to lie to you?

This picture NEEDS to be in a David picspam. No matter how many times I have posted it. Dear God...

This Bubble episode was SWEET.

'Robert calls you "my David"'... That made my day :p

The actual reason I watched the show: The advert. Jesus it was HOT. listening to the song now makes me so so so... Happy. Ahem.

image Click to view

I LOVE that shirt. Is it just me, or he dresses much better now? *¬*


I'm too white and nerdy...♪♫


Gotta love Peepshow


Such sweet laugh *-*

I sometimes think they do it on purpouse. They pull the same position at the same time SO many time. Too much hoteness.

Pink jumper!

OhDearGod. I love this film. I really do.

Black and white David is as pretty as the coloured one.

His Who DO You Think You Are documentary was AWESOME. It was the thing that really got me loving him. Like, proper loving.

Kiddy!David was soooooooooooo cute

Fangirls scare him. Poor David... He hasn't met me yet.

Their Bormance can be very smart if it wants to.

Capaldi! Gotta love him.

Angry!David is really hot. Jesus he is.

PoliticalAnalyst!David approves this picspam

Though the one interviewed by Jonathan Ross doesn't seem to

Just him being cute


This should happen more than once a year

This is how he lost all that weight


Ok, this is the end. If you liked it comment with lots of perv love. David demands

P.s.: Some of the piccies (and all of the gifs) are stolen from some Tumbrl. I was so excited and I mean that literally I really didn't care about the maker or anything. Sorry! But most of them are self made. So, there. I just wanted to say it.

picspam, qi, charlie brooker, alan davies, stephen fry, david mitchell, jimmy carr, dara o briain

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