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hobnobofjoy July 23 2009, 14:56:20 UTC
I think I love you for this list! Actually, I think I started this whole thing :/

Here's my old list, my current list is much the same, I think...


mrswilson4 July 23 2009, 15:40:12 UTC
Lol! Did you really? Cool! <3
Oh I'm loving your list, BTW! :P <3<3


mrschucknoblet July 23 2009, 20:35:22 UTC
Psh of course you started it, I blatantly steal everything from you!

...plus I just can't help it if you have good taste.


hobnobofjoy July 23 2009, 23:20:04 UTC
Actually, looking at the post I think I stole it from pernickety, but half my flist did it after me!

I do. And I just got out of a small sweaty room with Rhod Gilbert where he smiled and said hello, and made eye contact mid-rant. My God he's gorgeous. I am in love with his biceps and back. Is that weird?


mrschucknoblet July 23 2009, 23:22:31 UTC
Psh not weird at all, Rhod is incredibly hot. And nothing wrong ith biceps/back appreciation, it just shows how diverse you are in your appreciation of gorgeousness.


hobnobofjoy July 23 2009, 23:25:27 UTC

Next week Jon Richardson's playing the pub up the road!! Small, sweaty room, Jon in close quarters. My housemate is in love with him - she nearly fainted when Rhod walked past her, I want to introduce her to Jon to see her faint!


mrschucknoblet July 23 2009, 23:41:27 UTC
Omg please kidnap him and keep him in your cupboard under the stairs until I get get to England and have my way with him. I feel for your friend, she is going to dieeeee.


hobnobofjoy July 24 2009, 00:08:43 UTC
I hereby promise to steal Jon Richardson and keep him for you, although I can't guarantee Sian won't try and nick him first.

You know he comes to Leeds to watch the cricket a lot? That's just up the road from me, too. Leeds does have its good points!


mrschucknoblet July 24 2009, 00:21:21 UTC
Ah you are glorious. You're friend can have him all she wants as long as I can borrow him for a night or so. I'm quite content with a borrowing system.

Yay for you living near places Jon frequents! This is making our kidnapping plan much more plausible. If we can include alcohol I think we have him in the bag. Literally. Oh I slay myself.


mrswilson4 July 24 2009, 07:50:20 UTC
Ahem... Can I help in the kidnaping/borrowing/making naughty things to Jon? Yeah? Can I?
A friend of mine is going on Erasmus to Leeds. I hope I can go and visit her at least once while she's there, and hopefully, get to go to some comedy gig... <3


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