Jan 12, 2006 15:35
Hello all!
No baby yet.
Since I had to leave my laptop at work, I had to reconnect one of our other computers so I could log in.
My appt. Tuesday was insane. I went in for a 20 minute non-stress test. Baby's heartrate was fine, but he wasn't moving. At all. They buzzed him about 6 times, still refused to move. So I had to stay for another biophysical profile (ultrasound). Everything still looked good there (she figures he weighs around 6.1lbs or so) but he still wasn't moving. She poked and prodded at him... nothing. So I ended up having to go to L&D for monitoring on their equipment. FINALLY the snot started moving. Around 8pm he was throwing a party in there. I didn't get home until almost 10pm.
AND since I have no vehicle of my own, my mother took me to the doctor's office, waited with me there, then she had to leave, so I went into the hospital to go to the L&D floor (doctor's office is attached to the hospital, thankfully). My friend Sandy met me there around 7pm. I called DH, and he was in a horrible mood b/c he was tired and had to get the kids and a million other things, and he was also worried b/c we've already lost two babies and after all we've gone through, he's afraid something will be wrong with this one. So of course he's taking it out on me over the phone. And with the situation with kids and vehicle etc., he really couldn't come down to be with me (at least not until they admitted me, if they did). SO that sucked rocks big time. Once the baby started boogying around, they let me go home. Gave me a prescrip for Vistaril (I also had it with Amber). It doesn't stop contractions, but the ones I'm having aren't doing anything besides annoying me. It's an anti-anxiety med to help me relax. I haven't even bothered filling the prescrip yet, because I can't exactly take it when I'm home alone with the kids.
Yesterday was okay at home, except in the morning I snuggled up with Amber on the couch and dozed off, and she woke up first. And took my glasses somewhere. We still haven't found them. I can't see well enough to look for them. DH was worn out yesterday and wasn't much help after he got home. And now, even if I had a vehicle, I couldn't exactly go get them. AAAARGH!
I'm barely functional without them. It's driving me absolutely crazy. I did still manage to clean and vaccuum upstairs, bake some gingersnaps, bake two loaves of banana bread, and a loaf of regular bread, plus get a really good dinner together. I took some of the gingersnaps to my neighbor since she was nauseaus when I talked to her earlier in the morning. I figured that wasn't bad for a mostly blind person. :)
This morning is just not going my way. I was hoping to get to WalMart for an emergency pair of trial lenses until I can get another eye exam and a new prescription for my contacts. But I can't find anyone to take me. The cell phone I have here (still haven't taken the work phone back) is about dead, and I can't find a charger for it. Amber is coloring on walls again, and I don't have a magic eraser around. This is where DH JUST painted. Oh, and I have an appt. tomorrow, and still need to figure out how to get there.
Tomorrow is Philip's birthday, but we're not doing a party for a couple weeks, at least. He's been incapable of cleaning his room apparently. If he doesn't FINISH it tonight, he won't get any party and I'll tell his dad to keep the presents he got, because Philip doesn't deserve them. We've been battling over this for TWO WEEKS. He'll spend a whole day in his room, and end up playing instead of cleaning. THEN he has the nerve to tell me "Why do I ALWAYS have to clean my room?" Um, he wouldn't have to if he'd get it done. I had a nice conversation with him and pointed out that he's not cleaning, he's playing all the time. We'll see what happens tonight. The most irritating part of it is I'm almost convinced that Amber put my glasses in his room, but I can't find out because his room's so messy!
As you can see, I'm having a cranky stressed out time. I'm ready to have this baby and be done with the whole pregnancy. I feel like my whole life is on hold right now, just waiting. I'm getting depressed, it's stressing everyone out here, and I'm just generally miserable. I'm hoping my doc will discuss possible induction after next week, when I'm 37 weeks. That's when the nurse at the hospital told me they'll generally consider it.
Time for me to stop venting for a while... I'll come back later.