Title: Meaningful Stare
Genre(s): crack, fluff, comedy
Length: Drabble
Rating: PG
Pairing: Yunjae
There's a time when Jaejoong can't give what Yunho wants, and there's no time for Yunho to hold back his desire -to stop leering to his pretty lover.
There, two guys merely glimpsed at each other, signaling something very important but so dangerous. They were whispering, head lowering as they tried not to catch the attention. They were avoiding someone, who shouldn't recognize their secret conversation.
"Tell me, Jae. I need the answer right now," drawled the tall boy named Yunho, stealing a glance to the other boy behind his seat.
"It's hard, Yunho. He keeps looking at us," answered the pretty boy, known as Yunho's lover.
"C'mon, Jae. You know I'm gonna die if you haven't given me the answer. The time's almost up!"
"Yunho, I can't!"
"I think you love me, Jae." The tall boy just stared inwardly at his lover, showing the immemse sadness and disappointments.
"Don't say that. You know I always love you. It's just.... It's not the right time! Please don't force me," mewled the pretty boy, apparently starting to cry.
Yunho shrugged uncomfortably on his seat, glancing at his watch many times to check how much time left for him. The sweat thrilled on his forehead, fist clenching desperately.
He glanced at the front, the suspicious man still working on his papers.
"Give me now! He's not looking at us!" Yunho bellowed.
Shakingly, Jaejoong handed Yunho a piece of paper, his eyes glued to the suspicious man at the front, who seemed not to notice what Jaejoong and Yunho were doinh under his nose.
"Hurry up!" hissed Jaejoong as his lover kept holding his palm, apparently not wanting to let off the pretty boy silky palm.
Yunho flirted to Jaejoong, smirking as he caresses the soft palm like a pervert, and Jaejoong knew whenever Yunho was leering at him, it meant trouble is coming.
"Shut your dirty mind, prick! I'm not expecting any trouble," hissed the pretty boy again, trying to free his palm.
"I need a handjob, boo," Yunho whined, leering his lover sexually.
"Concern on your paper, stupid."
"Not now,"
"Fuck it!" Jaejoong growled.
The paper Jaejoong giving to Yunho fell as Yunho kept molesting Jaejoong's palm.
The suspicious man strode to their direction but the two boys didn't realize it, until,
"Don't cheat on exam, Jung Yunho!" -a slap hit Yunho's head and he focused on his exam again.
a/n: Failed! I know. LOL but I just tried to make a lame spoof. Have a nice day all!! and Keep loving and believing Yunjae ^^