So I just got my American Community Survey paperwork from the US Census bureau in the mail. Apparently, I ("Resident") have been randomly chosen to give the government information about my household and those living therein. You see, the actual census held every 10 years really isn't enough -- they need to do these little surveys in between to A)
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"Um," I said, "free gun rack?" I hadn't seen a gun rack in the truck, although to be sure, the amazement of the sheer wrongitude of the vehicle may have made me overlook such a thing
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"I just heard some words that I never thought I would hear together in a sentence," said Dad, as I walked into his office on my way to feed the dogs one night
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"The meter-reader came by this morning and asked if he could read the meter," I told Dad by way of explaining why the doorbell had rung around 8am
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When I took the BeliefNet Belief-O-Matic test, for some odd reason, Sikhism came out on top. I mentioned it that evening when talking to my dad about various subjects such as my parents having had their marriage annulled, and how, since the marriage "never happened," wouldn't that make me illegitimate
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I should probably mention in advance that this post may look like one of those jokes that starts out with "A horse walks into a bar" and then commences to go on for approximately three hours with a twisty, turny kind of tale-telling that makes you think it's building up for a fantastic punchline, but instead ends up with something like, "Don't be
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It's really a bit sad when the most exciting thing going on in your life is watching your parents attempt to take off on a cruise. Then again, since I've been ill for the last couple of months, the second most exciting thing was attempting to seek out new veins for the nurses to stick another IV into in the hospital, so I suppose things could be
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