Last night, the 5 of us went out in DC - Marci, Amy, Julie, Nicole, and I - met up with some friends of Marci's, then a friend of mine Doug showed up - he went to MSU, but we met here in DC. It was a fun night, with very minimal drama. At the end of the night, I was glad I went and feeling content with the ordeal.
Now, what I need to know is if I should keep my goatee shaved off. I've been getting positive remarks both times I shaved it this year. The ladies are telling me to keep it off. What do you think? Guys and girls opinions are welcome! I posted a picture of Krista and I from a month ago for your comparison.
Steve and the teacher girls in DC last night
Krista and I back in Michigan in August
Steve, Doug, and Doug's friend Rebecca in DC last night
I felt like today was very productive. I did everything I said I would - went to the gym, went grocery shopping (and bought a LOT), watched a movie with my roommate Jen, graded all my papers, then watched two episodes of LOST with Julie, Sara, and Nicole. (we have a LOST club that meets once a week for dinner and 2 episodes starting from the beginning of the series).
Just got off the phone from a good conversation, now I'm going to watch Big Brother and write my homework for next weekend's class. Damn, I'm good.
I'm doing okay, but I'm not great. Just taking this a day at a time.