Fic: A Year from Now (32/33)

Apr 12, 2012 22:37

Title: A Year from Now (32/33)
Author: MrsTater
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters & Pairings: Daenerys Targaryen/Jorah Mormont, Quaithe, Pyat Pree, Tyrion Lannister, Aegon Targaryen, Barristan Selmy, Jhogo
Ratings & Warnings: R for violence and gore
Format & Word Count: WIP, 4529 words
Summary: "Save your tears, child. Weep for him tomorrow, or a ( Read more... )

fic: a year from now

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anywhere_but_nj April 13 2012, 12:15:01 UTC
polkadotsnplaid did a GREAT job!! :)

"Seven," Tyrion interjected.

Now, does he mean himself or Dany?

"I remember you scoffed at the sacrificial altar when Xaro showed us the city before. Perhaps that is where Drogon learned his contempt for religion."

*snerk* No one can say dragons aren’t smart

If I am to give them a kingdom--"

"What about a life?"

:O Oh he has a very legitimate point there. To Dany they’re one and the same, but to most people…

Dany swallowed, hard. "Then Drogon and his unborn brothers shall be yours."

*gulp* I don’t think you’d leave such a cruel fate, but if you were Martin, I wouldn’t put it past you.
Then again, I’m sure Dany has something up her ‘sleeve.’

"He is no man. He is an arrogant, insolent boy


Winter is Coming were the words of House Stark--but Dragons are Coming would be more apt a warning.Mmmmhmmmm ( ... )


mrstater April 13 2012, 12:28:17 UTC
Dany does need to control Drogon, as much as a dragon can be controlled. At least train him, tame him a bit. Allowing a dragon to run rampant would not be good for her cred.

Dany could really stand to meet Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon. (Actually, that would be kind of an awesome crossover, hehe.)

And Dany has her dragons back and he called her Queen of Dragons.

That he did...but things aren't going to turn out quite that straight-forward.

So thrilled you liked the chapter!


just_a_dram April 14 2012, 00:37:25 UTC
Did you see the graphic on tumblr of Dany and the dragon from How to Train Your Dragon? It's so cute.


mrstater April 14 2012, 01:16:34 UTC
OMG, where?!


just_a_dram April 14 2012, 01:20:11 UTC
Check out my tumblr. I reblogged it a couple of days ago.


mrstater April 14 2012, 01:54:17 UTC
HOW DID I MISS THAT? Actually I missed a lot of your posts lately.

Probably got lost amid all the fights over Jorah.


just_a_dram April 14 2012, 02:23:06 UTC
It's just the cutest thing ever. I love that movie. It would be a funny/adorable crossover.


mrstater April 14 2012, 02:26:31 UTC
It could actually really work as a crossover! The Vikings totally make methink of Bear Islanders...


just_a_dram April 14 2012, 02:33:15 UTC
They very well could be Vikings.


mrstater April 14 2012, 02:39:21 UTC
Now I want a manip of Jorah wearing Viking horns. Or braids.


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