Fic: A Year from Now (32/33)

Apr 12, 2012 22:37

Title: A Year from Now (32/33)
Author: MrsTater
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters & Pairings: Daenerys Targaryen/Jorah Mormont, Quaithe, Pyat Pree, Tyrion Lannister, Aegon Targaryen, Barristan Selmy, Jhogo
Ratings & Warnings: R for violence and gore
Format & Word Count: WIP, 4529 words
Summary: "Save your tears, child. Weep for him tomorrow, or a ( Read more... )

fic: a year from now

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Comments 20

sephystabbity April 13 2012, 03:50:00 UTC
Whoo, can I just say. I have actually never read this series or any of the previous chapters, so I have no idea what came before this in the story, and I only click on this link for a lark to distract me from exams for a while. But wow, I found myself engrossed and reading this chapter till the end. The ending of it gave me chills, the whole "Queen of Dragons" part. And the part where Daenerys is unwilling to let Aegon die, because he's her brother's last living son. Really awesome job.

Wow, anyhow, I probably sound crazy, but anyhow the point is, I have no idea what actually went on before this, but I really liked reading this chapter. You're an awesome writer.


mrstater April 13 2012, 04:21:39 UTC
:D This review totally made my night! (And wow, I am impressed; I think you commented like 15 minutes after I posted! You're a speed reader! And what's your secret, because it took me a couple of hours to do my final read-through for edits, LOL.)

For one I'm just delighted you were curious and took a peek, and two it's awesome that you were able to be pulled in without having any of the context for the fic. Thanks so much for your very kind words about it and my writing--and I hope you get a chance to take a look at the rest of it sometime after your exams. It's a lot of romance, a lot of adventure...a lot of Dany and Jorah and most of the other people they meet in the books, just in rather different ways.

Really appreciate your comment, and GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EXAMS, my fellow Rose!


sephystabbity April 13 2012, 04:33:24 UTC
Yeah, I tend to be a fast reader, especially when it comes to stories as interesting as this one :P

I think I will take a look at the whole story come summer. If the other chapters are as good as this one (and knowing your writing skills from the tourneys, they very likely are), I'm on board this train as of now 8) *SO LATE TO THE PARTY LOL*

And thank you,fellow rose, I'll do my best on my exams! xD


mrstater April 13 2012, 11:58:12 UTC
I'm glad it barreled right along! I lost all perspective on pacing it while writing it because action sequences are so difficult and happen in fits and starts for me, and I was afraid things got bogged down between Drogon torching everything and all the weirdness in the House of the Undying. So glad to hear you're aboard! I'll be interested to know what you think of the whole thing.

Is your semester over after this round of exams?


anywhere_but_nj April 13 2012, 12:15:01 UTC
polkadotsnplaid did a GREAT job!! :)

"Seven," Tyrion interjected.

Now, does he mean himself or Dany?

"I remember you scoffed at the sacrificial altar when Xaro showed us the city before. Perhaps that is where Drogon learned his contempt for religion."

*snerk* No one can say dragons aren’t smart

If I am to give them a kingdom--"

"What about a life?"

:O Oh he has a very legitimate point there. To Dany they’re one and the same, but to most people…

Dany swallowed, hard. "Then Drogon and his unborn brothers shall be yours."

*gulp* I don’t think you’d leave such a cruel fate, but if you were Martin, I wouldn’t put it past you.
Then again, I’m sure Dany has something up her ‘sleeve.’

"He is no man. He is an arrogant, insolent boy


Winter is Coming were the words of House Stark--but Dragons are Coming would be more apt a warning.Mmmmhmmmm ( ... )


mrstater April 13 2012, 12:28:17 UTC
Dany does need to control Drogon, as much as a dragon can be controlled. At least train him, tame him a bit. Allowing a dragon to run rampant would not be good for her cred.

Dany could really stand to meet Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon. (Actually, that would be kind of an awesome crossover, hehe.)

And Dany has her dragons back and he called her Queen of Dragons.

That he did...but things aren't going to turn out quite that straight-forward.

So thrilled you liked the chapter!


just_a_dram April 14 2012, 00:37:25 UTC
Did you see the graphic on tumblr of Dany and the dragon from How to Train Your Dragon? It's so cute.


mrstater April 14 2012, 01:16:34 UTC
OMG, where?!


just_a_dram April 14 2012, 00:36:26 UTC
These graphics are really lovely. What a nice contribution to AYFN.

My favorite vision is Aerys sitting on the throne. It's kinda gaggy and awesome.

The moment when Jaime Lannister changes into the Mountain and she has her big realization that her approach to Aegon has neglected the fact that if she is who he says he is, she should embrace him and not fight him, is just perfection. It is the culmination of so much that has gone on and just works so well with the action, the visions, and where Dany is ultimately heading.

I only hope I feel as at peace with Dany's choices in ASOIAF.


mrstater April 14 2012, 04:09:45 UTC
These graphics are really lovely. What a nice contribution to AYFN.

Didn't Cassie do a fantastic job choosing them? They give me all the feels...

My favorite vision is Aerys sitting on the throne. It's kinda gaggy and awesome.

Bwahaha! You win the prize for the most unexpected comment. I have to admit, I really got a bit of a kick out of that part myself. This fandom is ruining me, RUINING ME, making me enjoy writing icky stuff. Curse you, GRRM!

And such a huge relief to know that pivotal moment translated! I had to get Jaime into this fic somehow, for you. ;)

I only hope I feel as at peace with Dany's choices in ASOIAF.

Gah. Me, too. Especially as concern Jorah.

♥, darling.


just_a_dram April 14 2012, 15:03:03 UTC
You win the prize for the most unexpected comment.

A CASH prize?!? ;) What's unexpected about it, that I liked a gaggy vision or that I described it as both gaggy and also intrinsically awesome? Hee. :)

This fandom is ruining me, RUINING ME, making me enjoy writing icky stuff. Curse you, GRRM!

I never ever wrote anything truly violent until this fandom. So, yeah, this series is a life ruiner.

I had to get Jaime into this fic somehow, for you. ;)

Hehehe...well, I do thank you for it. It would probably be out of place for the epilogue to be a smutty chapter about Jaime, right? :D

Gah. Me, too. Especially as concern Jorah.

I broke down and read the summary of the Tyrion chapter, and I'm actually very worried about Jorah. :/ On the one hand, I want him to have the chance to do something heroic as part of his redemption arc (parallels between Jaime and Jorah, yet again), but on the other hand, I'm terrified it won't End Well.


mrstater April 15 2012, 00:59:18 UTC
It would probably be out of place for the epilogue to be a smutty chapter about Jaime, right? :D

Bwahaha! And given you know what I've got planned for Jaime in the epilogue, you know it's quite the opposite, LOL.

I broke down and read the summary of the Tyrion chapter, and I'm actually very worried about Jorah. :/ On the one hand, I want him to have the chance to do something heroic as part of his redemption arc (parallels between Jaime and Jorah, yet again), but on the other hand, I'm terrified it won't End Well.

I'm hoping maybe there's actually some good foreshadowing in that whole thing about Mormonts being raised from birth to fend off the Krakens, and Lyanna having mobilized Bear Island's defenses against the Ironborn... I'd love it if Jorah could go into a mad rage learning what Victarion intends for Dany and kill him handily. And perhaps somehow this will ingratiate him to Dany again?

I have to be an optimist because we have years until this book comes out to hope...


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