
Mar 06, 2012 10:51

If you love Richard/Mary or just want to read some quality Downton Abbey fic, ju_dou has posted the first chapter of a truly epic modern AU:

Darkness There and Nothing More
How well does Mary really know the contents of her husband's heart and can she stand by him as their lives crumble?

It's sexy and angsty and features children with stunning bone structure, and every character you fell in love with in 1912 translates beautifully to 2012, which is no small feat for the fanfiction author. Do check it out!

While we're talking about DA fic, I found out Sunday that a couple of my fics that were up for Highclere Awards won! I took Best Characterization--Cora (Spare the Rod), Best Characterization--Sybil (Sexual Relations), Best Novella (Who We Are) and tied myself for second place in Best Richard/Mary (Who We Are, Another Chapter). Thanks so much to everyone who voted for me. And congrats to fellow winners jadeandlilac and ju_dou, who are Narcissa and Bellatrix to my Voldemort. ;)
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