All the best people really are mad

Apr 20, 2010 21:41

Midnight Madness has once again come knocking on my door!

It is that time of the semester again: time to pick classes! DUN DUN DUN!

I'm hopeful that next semester will be epic, despite my epic work load!!! I have to start my Honors Thesis, which is this year-long sixty-page endeavor that will test my dedication to my subject (Ren Lit, mostly, though I dabble in lots) and my ability to love Shakespeare, despite spening 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in his company. Methinks the lady doth glomp her Riverside too much!

On top of that, I shall have a full class schedule. In order to fulfill my writing concentration, I need 9 more credits, so I have to take 2 classes for writing in the Fall or in the Spring, when it's time to actually write my thesis (fall is for research), I will be kicking my own ass for thinking I could actually handle everything that I will have to do. So, I am taking The Journalistic Essay (meh) and Rhetoric and Style (good to know, for sure, but still feeling meh). I just hope these classes don't make me feel like I'm sitting through comp again. I did that every year until college. No more, please.

I also have to take my senior seminar, so I'm taking Professor Sexton's "Medieval Lit and the Law." So much win, so little time! He's an awesome professor, and makes me want to be a medievalist. I will never abandon my time period, but if I ever did THIS would be the fruit that caused this girl's Fall! Medieval? Renaissance? Hey, we're all friends, really. ;)

I had two more class slots, so I'm going to try to get into Dr. Crowley's Brit Lit Survey. Because Crowley and Brit Lit are always amazing. I always try to take an art class (favorite so far? Yeah, Ancient and Medieval Art! XD!), so I'm signing up for Prof. Smalley's Fashion from 1950 to the Present. It looks really cool! Also, Smalley is adorable and an absolute delight to converse with. His classes are usually honors colloquia (colloquium? I always forget this rule), so they're really discussion based.  I'm excited for this one!

I think the Fall semester is looking really good. Also, I only have THREE more German classes to suffer through this semester. I usually love languages, but this one has not clicked with me. :( God, I miss Italian!

In my down time this evening I finished writing Chapter Six of "My Fair Sheldon." I will probably type it up tomorrow and get it posted either then or on Thursday. It'll be up soon! :)

crowley, languages, midnight madness, johnny p, fan fics, my fair sheldon, school, thesis

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