Doctor Who Fan Fiction

Apr 08, 2009 14:05


Novel Length
Inseparable (Directory for all chapters) (PG-13/Teen; See directory page for genre) [Doctor Who/Torchwood Cross-over]

Series Stories
Excursions Series (Applicable to Inseparable)
Spring Cleaning Lotsa Scrolls (G; humour/wannabe-angst) [10th Doctor]
Bored... Short Story (G; humour) [10th Doctor/Rose]
Inseparable SongFic Short Story (PG; wannabe-angst) [Rose; implied Doctor/Rose]

Eternally (Post-Doomsday Poem) Drabble (G; wannabe-angst) [Rose; implied Doctor/Rose]
A Rose By Any Other Name... Quickie (G; humour/romance) [10th Doctor/Rose]
Morning Dew Lotsa Scrolls (PG; humour/adventure) [10th Doctor/Donna Friendship]
Rose Would Know Quickie (PG; angst) [10th Doctor; implied Doctor/Rose]
He'll Be Back Quickie (G; humour) [9th Doctor]
Ashes and Memory Quickie (PG; wannabe-angst/poetry) [The Doctor]

doctor who, directory post, fan fiction

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