Oct 02, 2013 11:13
UGh ugh ugh! Our agents called this morning and they recieved a counter to our offer, get this no money off but they will replace the furnance and garage doors. My agents laughed we will counter one more time with those two items AND all electrical work done to our specifications, seriously folks the electrical panel is push knobs, that is beyond antique and not up to code. Also furnace replacement must include new ducts to the third floor and the daylight basement, oh and they pay closing costs. That would leave us pretty much with the major cosmetic stuff. albeit after seeing it again we want to push out the kitchen. If they accept his I am okay with the price after we do our work I am pretty sure we would be able to sell down the round for the pretty 7 figure range. Fingers crossed. I will come back with a life update after all this I mean it's been almost 2 years which I can't fathom at all!
new home