
Aug 23, 2009 16:30

I helped out at a soup kitchen in a nearby Methodist church today (which was a lot bigger and prettier than mine XD). I feel so accomplished and helpful and grateful for my life. It was a really nice experience, and I'll probably do it again.

I'm going to my friend's house soon. I don't know what we'll do, and I don't even know if anyone else is coming, but I'm excited. I love having a social life after spending last week sweating and dealing with kids in the morning and passing out/ hanging around at home at night. On Wednesday I might be going to see Inglourious Basterds with Tom and his Catholic school friends. I haven't asked my mom yet because we'd be going to a movie theater that's pretty far from us since a few of his friends live about an hour away. I hope she lets us go; those kids are pretty cool!

How's everyone been?

church, life, friends

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