They ARE real!

Aug 22, 2009 15:27

I finally met Tom's Catholic school friends, and they're all pretty damn awesome! They all were really cool and fun, and a lot of them were pretty hot, too. We all had a lot of fun, and I hope I get to hang out with them again soon!

Chelsea went back to college today. As much as she pisses me off and is a total slob, I'm gonna miss her. We do get to go up and visit her in October for "family weekend", so that's good. She's been dying to get back, too, so it's good that she's having fun. I kind of want to get back to school, too, though I still have an essay to write, albeit a short one, and 3 chapters of A.P. American History to read in about 20 days (less, I think). At least I finished On the Road(which I loved)...I need to figure out which passage to pick and write a tiny essay about how this shows the character's journey or something. I need to look at the assignment again to see what the actual task is, though. Oh well, I'll get it done eventually (procrastination!).

I want to get back to school mainly for drama club, I think. I want to be on stage so badly! I haven't been in months, and that's what I love to do. I should've auditioned for a show locally, but my mom wouldn't let me do Rocky Horror because of the midnight shows(Chelsea did it once and my mom vowed to never again go through it), and we went on vacation, so that would've gotten in the way of rehearsals. I miss performing!

I may or may not see Inglourious Basterds tonight. I hope I do, because it looks really good. I do have to wake up early tomorrow, since I'm going to church and straight from church going to help out at a soup kitchen, which will be pretty cool. I just wish I could sleep a little more, though. My day is a big waste so far, and I'll probably just blob around on LJ and The Sims 3. This is to make up for how fucking busy I'll be once school starts up again, I guess. Or that's how I justify it to myself.

church, the sims, family, school, friends

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