Digital Memory Recorder

Aug 02, 2010 00:38

"How fortunate to have an instructor, correction, jump master that's willing to go a little more hardcore with me than the norm. What is it about me that he decided it's ok; is it simply because I asked for an intense and involved experience? Was there something about me he felt or saw that I wasn't actively presenting?


He's a funny guy, I respect his sarcasm. I feel like a child though, having to be new to this. I used to not enjoy feeling like this, ignorant. It's really not so bad though, being humble. I don't mind the submission, I can completely trust this guy; his energy is trustworthy. I've got to learn anyway, and he seems experienced enough to absorb quite an experience from.


God I love flying, even if all of us are cramped in this thing. How much do I skoot back before I start invading his personal space? I mean when it comes to safety, how concerned should I be about being close to his lap? Silly, to have to be thinking about that, but being so disconnected with homophobia I've got to keep myself in check. I can't present myself as gay, but I've got to maintain safety as my priori-- why am I even concerned about how my sexuality is presented? For fuck's sake, stop caring about how comfortable other people are around you...


I'm glad he respects my memory and trusts my ability to remain competant and remember his instructions. I can't believe I thought we were only doing tricks during canopy. The surprise of starting the jump in a stunt is actually scary; this is wonderful! Relax. Let him lead. Move with him. Feel his body language without your eyes to coordinate. Impress yourself. Don't mess this up. If you do though, there's always next time, fortunately. Lucky to be human, heh. Try, though, make this amazing and successful. DON'T FORGET TO ENJOY MYSELF.


Haha, this guy is strong, he's asking me to sit in my harness while he walks us to the door. Glad I wore the jumpsuit; I'm sure it'll come in handy for landing, and it's friggin COLD up at this altitude. Haha I feel like a little kid; I can't believe he let me wear the altimeter. I can't help but feel like the child on a police car ride who gets to wear a badge. This is so exciting. BREATHE. Remember the instructions--'Ready, Set, Canonball.' Remain tucked; knee taps to ARCH; don't forget to look up/horizontal during arch; but WATCH HIS JAW, I'm not wearing a helmet! Stay alert, if I can't breathe, use my mouth. If that fails, SCREAM, it'll cause breathing. Maintain visual of EVERYTHING, watch for hand signals. Prep for canopy; use left arm for balance and pull the cord 4 inches on his mark; sharp aggressive turns for canopy stunts but WATCH FOR TRAFFIC (even though he'll know what to look for). Most importantly, he is lead, so use the opportunity to absorb every ounce of enjoyment out of this, I deserve it.


Wow we're actually at the door and I'm hanging halfway out of it. Yes of course I'm readyyyyyyyyHOLYSHITI'MCANNONBALLINGINTHESKYBEFOREI'VEEVENDONEITINAPOOL! This is kind of dizzying, this is great!

Tuck the knees more and HOLY SHIT DUDE THIS IS AWESOME! Wow it's so beautiful up here, even the sound of the air passing me at 125mph is beautiful. I love how cool it is, what great temperature.

Positive hand signals, great job! Positive verbal reinforcement; I'm so surprised how well he and I can talk to each other despite falling. It's nothing like being in a speeding car with all the windows open; there is no intense sound of wind. It's actually pretty quiet, this is lovely.

Actually, yeah, the quiet is absolutely lovely. I'm loving this... it's serene...

CHECK THE ALTIMETER! Holy shit 10,000 already? MOAR STUNTS PLZ. All I see is cloud, but falling through them is wonderful! Hahaha!

It's funny how the world is perceived when I'm falling through it and spinning around and flipping at 125mph! God this is great, how does my body know where 'down' is? I can feel gravity even if I'm upside down or at such weird angles.

Altimeter check! Wow 8,000 already. I should try flying, just really effing do some Dragonball Z shit and blow this guy's mind away, hahahahahaha, maybe I'll save that for solo falling ;)

It's so beautiful up here, no wonder floating islands can be so appealing in fiction. No wonder Magneto, Knuckles, and other strong characters used floating islands as their homes, away from people. Too bad, those people are missable. I wonder if Tony got back to watch my land? I hate using his entire day for this, but I'm so thankful to him. Man I would love getting my license and doing a jump with him. I bet he would love that too. He would trust me enough to do it too.

*sigh* this is great. Rolling out of control in the sky is such an envigorating feeling, looking down at the SKY and up at the ground is SO MUCH FUN hahaha...

WOOO TURNS, haha his 'reaching over to feel up yourself if you had imaginary humungous boobs' technique is actually pretty accurate, the turn control is amazing with that method! Wow we just 360'd clockwise AND counterclockwise in freefall arch, AMAZING!

Ok, 6,000, 4 inches remember. I'm sure he doesn't care but since he specified 4 inches I should try to honor that request. Follow his lead... PULL! Haha wow that pop was great. Wait a second, he just released some straps--my legs feel looser. That's a little unsettling, it feels like I can just fall out of this harness or rather, my connection to his. AWESOME! Let me ask h-- oh ok, just need 2/4 attachments for canopy & land.

Man this guy is good, look at the way he knows how to control this canopy. 6,000+ jumps, and he works 7 days a week. I admire that, being able to be up here every day...

Alright let's take the reigns here and start some of those aggressive turn---HAHAHA NICE! WOOOW hahaha. Oh shit traffic! Why do all jumpers have to jump so close together? :(

Man this speed is fantastic for landing, look how fast everything's coming up! Legs up! Haha what a landing! God, I wanna jump just to be up in the air for an instant! I sound like such a retard! This is like... wanting to spend just another moment with someone you love, haha. I admit, that "just one more minute" feeling is probably my favorite of all feelings so far.

Aw Tony and Heart are back! Sweet :D they got to watch!

Mental note: Get my license within 6 - 10 months. I'm so doing this."

This is the most candid entry I or probably anyone has ever written. Off to bed, time to dream about falling in the sky <3


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