"Oh, my God; I care so little, I almost passed out. "

Feb 15, 2007 15:14

Oh, hello Livejournal, what's new with you?

A lot of little things have been going on in my life. Nothing worthy of a large entry, but maybe an entry consisting of...


My car wouldn't start Tuesday and I had to call my mom for a ride home. Then I had to go back, on Valentines day, when Macomb cancelled all of it's classes (Only the third time in the schools history) to go get it. Stupid bitch started up on the first try. Margaret, why do you hate me so?

I had to write a paper for my history class. The outline the professor had laid out was very boring and lackluster. I figured, I'm a Forensics kids, I can spice this up a bit! And spiced it up I did. And got a C. Turns out my professor is a former debate coach and wanted the exact format. Fuck what I had to say, it was all about format. The Forensics V Debate war lasts into college!

For any of those who know anything about the Natalie Saga, something similar happened again, but to a very small scale.

Fuck Leo Tolstoy. Fuck Anna Karenina. Fuck pre-revolution Russia in it's stupid, hairy, "Look at me I'm alomst a Commie!" ass.

I talked to my English professor about a possible thesis for my upcomming paper... and in five minute she was talking about Anna Nichole Smith and slamming airplanes into LA skyscrappers. I hate this class.

Again, Zombies. Will fucking end you. Nothing more I can say there.

And lastly, my parents bought me pity chocolate on Valentines Day. After a pound or three of Reese's peanut butter cups, Mini Nestle Crunch and white chocolate Kisses, the rath of Cupid came at me not in the form of an infatuation arrow, but loud guggles from my midsections and a bitch of a tummy ache.
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