Supernatural: 909 aftermath & hopes for the one thing they've NEVER done before.

Dec 06, 2013 12:35

Phew emotional rollercoaster there. RIP Kevin but to be honest I'm one of those watchers that couldn't really be too fussed about anyone but Sam and Dean at the end of the day to be too sad when they die, including Bobby, Castiel (please please please) or Kevin. Osiric seems lovely though and it was such a sad end for Kevin but yeah not too bothered. Same with Ellen, Jo, Ash, Ruby, etc. The only deaths I really felt were John and Jess and obivously Mary at the start.

I was pleasantly surprised to be literally shocked when Zeke turned out to be someone else entirely. I love it when this show is clever. We'd all deliberated about his intentions but I saw few suggestions actually none that he was someone else entirely. I literally gasped. Well played show, it's very rare you surprise me like this.

So where do we go from here? I don't know about you guys but I would be happy if once they rescued Sam from Gadreel that there was an entire episode of just Sam and Dean conversing. A one off for this show. No monsters, no demons, no angels just them and all their issues and their guilt and a real genuine epic conversation. It’s so necessary and would be a great change up from the usual MOW format. I mean have they EVER done that?

The boys need to discuss things and they need a drag down honest discussion of just how many lies are being told and where the other is coming from on things. The usual response to Sam and Dean when one of them betrays the other in any way is Dean berating Sam and not letting it go for a long time and making him feel guilty and Sam blowing up at Dean, and storming out and running away. There needs to be a different response here.

Sam is so completely entitled to feel hurt and betrayed but I want them to sit down and ADDRESS this rather than running off to solve a case and putting their feelings on the side. Writers give us an episode of nothing but them, a dialogue heavy, emotional, intense episode. In all the years of this show there’s never been that. And there needs to be now more than ever in my opinion.

Let us see inside both their heads and let them see inside each others. Then maybe they can understand one another and begin to forgive and heal. Don’t push this aside while they fight a bigger fight again. Please.

If you can have entire episodes based on Castiel and Bobby then you can do an entire episode just Sam and Dean vocab. Sure those who watch for the MOW might moan but for the most part the true fans of this show are so invested in these two boys that an entire episode into what's going on with them internally may well be the best this show could ever achieve.

dean, sam + dean, sam motherfucking winchester world, supernatual

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