(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 23:04

I know Friday was the full moon (I saw it on the way home from the cinema, a beautiful red moon -probably because a local barn was on fir...but I digress)
It seems to have left some residual lunacy in the population of Wiltshire.
Yesterday's was via the telephone, when answering it with my customary customer voice the first thing said, which was almost barked was * where is Bradenstoke*
Now I'm pretty sure the question was asked because n some search or other our phone number has come up as a Bradenstoke one- it's a small village about 2 miles away. But I refrained from that and proceeded through a call with a woman who felt I should, in addition to my sewing prowess posses powers of  remote viewing, being able to tell from her garbled description how much I would charge to alter a jacket, which I haven't seen, worn by a person I haven't seen.
When I declined to answer she felt she would try and find someone closer (and probably more biddable)

Todays was a cheap bride... well she bought a sale dress and then felt it reasonable to ask for a discount on her alterations.
Now why would I do that? I have more work than I can cope with, and she was late for her fitting, pratted about with evening gloves, couldn't decide which underwear to wear, and then wanted to know if I needed to see her in her veil to be able to alter the dress. Just because the dress was in a sale it doesn't cost less to alter.
The answer was no, however I did offer the opportunity to take it elsewhere, she didn't, sadly.

However both tonights fittings went well.


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