I got caught up completely on my blog posts this morning. (There are links to all my blogs on
http://www.coganbooks.net.) I'm trying to do 2 posts per week for each blog. If I could clone myself I'd probably start an evolution blog. Problem is there are excellent evolution blogs out there it would take a huge effort to even become a pale "me too!" echo. Not worth it. Meanwhile I'm trying to keep up about 800 words a day on Button Man. Nice thing about blogging is it doesn't take the deep concentration fiction takes. If something is boring on tv, since I don't need church-like silence when I blog, I can pull out my laptop and have at.
Last night was the Ice Cream Social. Sort of. It was announced, advertised and reminded on email. Chris and I and Sheila and Kent Myers showed up. We ate ice cream, had a nice chat and went home. {sigh} Every week in August I've been asking people to start coming at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning to socialize and have a true coffee hour (and allow the kids to have a real hour of RE). We'll see how this goes.
Tonight I'm doing this while listening to Richard Dawkins's Darwin show that he did for the BBC (
http://www.richarddawkins.net). Dawkins is listening to a really stupid creationist. Dawkins is red-faced and has this look on his face like "The only reason I'm not belting you in the mouth is because I'm British."
Soon we'll go to bed and start a new cozy mystery. It's been a pretty good day.