Supernatural Episode: Repo Man Fangirlishness…

Feb 18, 2012 23:27

I would like to start off by saying that I am now mildly obsessed with The Brothers Bloom. <3 Stephen <3 (I am also working on an SPN AU based on it. Worry not, I will probably only inflict it on one person *Waves*) I’m still crying a bit as the movie just ended - it’s a comedy that makes me cry semi-hysterically, but I love it *Shrugs*

Also, I'm sleepy and ignore any typos.

And now SPN…

Has Sam’s hair really been that bad for four years? Seriously!?!?

The demon/Jeffery was exceptionally cast *Shudders*

Okay… Um… Well… The timeline bothers me. In 04x10 Dean was asked to torture Alistair and he was very upset about it - So this episode would be somewhere in season four before Lilith died at the end and kick started the first of many apocalypses. In 05x04, Dean is VERY angry because his future self is torturing again. However, according to this episode Dean was torturing frequently in season four and is thus a giant frakking hypocrite in season five?!? And hello, remember in 06x03 when he can’t believe Sam would be okay with torture?!?! I know it’s not a huge thing, but I HATE the torturing. Now, they don’t even try to save the victim/host. They just torture for hours/days, get info, use the demon killing knife, and sayonara whoever you were - That is of course unless the person is Lisa. *Shakes Fist* I give up.

Dean dropping Jeffery off at the hospital reminds me of the scene in Sherlock, where Sherlock asks John if caring about the victim will help save them and then tells him that since caring won’t help he will continue to not make that mistake. Of course, in that scene there is at least one person that does care about the victim. Sorry, Jeffery.

LUCIFER!!!!!!!!!!! Please don’t eat mold!

How I’ve Missed The Rock Aliases!!!

Lucifer has a forked tongue *Giggles*

Um, if you can walk around your devil’s trap then it probably won’t be very effective.


Nora blurts out, “But back then, back in that farm house, I was in over my head. I know that now. Believe me, I will leave all that to the pros.”

Dean looks at her earnestly, “You helped track him down. I mean it was some solid legwork.”

Nora looks between the brothers, “When it came down to it, all I really knew was somebody who knew somebody who knew the right number to call. And your number is not working by the way.”

Sam answers, “Right, we, uh, we’ve had some technical difficulties. Phone issues.”

Dean smirks, “It’s a monster problem really.”

A dapper young gentleman enters the room, “Mobiles, landlines, tin cans with bits of string… Everything, absolutely everything. No phones, phones all broken.” He mimes a telephone call, “Hello, anyone there? No! Because the phones aren’t working.” He then straightens his waistcoat and goes to slow dance with Jack… After saving the world, of course.


I love Lucifer Bishop in the background in such a Sally pose!

Sassy!Lucifer, I have longed for your return!

There really needs to be a monster of the week victim support group. If you think about it, hunters would be able to talk to other hunters, but the victims have no one. Dean should work on putting it together.

If Jeffery wasn’t super creepy… I don’t even know, because he is so super creepy.

“Oh, right here. In the discontinued periodicals.” That’s so romantic!

Dean - I love you, but come on. Jeffery tells you the demon “covered his eyes” and then tells you what color the door is?!? And I know theoretically the door will be the same color on the inside, but there are no fictional guarantees about doors.

Hello, Dexter! Nice syringe.

Lucifer is a darn good hunter!

Rape jokes are not funny.

“But Luci, those are illegal.” *Hearts*


Dean was still groggy from whatever he was injected with, “Jeffery?”

Jeffery stood and walked towards his victim, “Good you’re up. I need to come to an emotional catharsis about my personal life while making a slide of your blood.”


Jeffery and his demon sitting in a tree… First comes possession…

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Jeffery is right, Dean. You shouldn’t trivialize other people’s pain.

NO, NOT THE PUPPY!?!?!?!?!?

Jeffery and his demon would be kind of sweet if they weren’t, you know, Jeffery and his demon.

I’m excited about the possibility of more Lucifer!

Okay, just go with me here:

“Hey, I was there. I was depressed, Dean, because he was gone. I was a wreck. An emotional shell. A drunk. I was suicidal.” This Jeffery quote kind of perfectly describes Dean this season.

“He was a psychopath, Sam. What they do all the time is act. Act like they’re normal. Act like they’re not balls to the wall crazy.” Again, let’s think about Dean’s smile and get through the week philosophy…*Ponders*

Please note I support everyone’s right to their favorite character, pairing, team, ship, slash, OTP, OT3, whatever. These are my personal opinions. Please DO NOT repost my thoughts, feelings, opinions, or theories. Fandom is a diverse and wonderfully unique place. Be original!

fandom: supernatural, supernatural episode reaction, fangirlishness, the zombies are attacking, wait unicorns aren't real, writing or something like it

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