Supernatural Episode: Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie Fangirlishness…

Feb 11, 2012 20:30

I completely empathize with Sam - CLOWNS ARE FRAKKING CREEPY! Tim Curry as Pennywise in It ruined anything remotely clown related for me. *Shudders*

Yucky! That looks painful.

Mental Note: Avoid Avid Octopi

Octo!Vamp sounds seven kinds of exciting! I’m picturing Octo!Vamp VS Octo!Cobra - Show has a bizarre obsession with eights recently *Ponders*


Now with flowing rainbow tail exhaust!

*Flail* I am so very happy right now. Granted, I had always imagined Dean and Cas riding off into the sunset astride glorious unicorns, but I guess I can accept magical mayhem *Shrugs*

If It Bleeds, You Can Kill It - If It Glitters, You’re Pretty Much Screwed

Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie = HELL!

I have a theory that the owner is Gabriel… He selects a placemat that turns the children’s greatest fears magically into rainbows and CANDY! Also, the clowns would be a surefire way to keep Sam off the trail… Except there are monsters and fantastical unicorns to hunt and all, but really that is the only flaw in the plan… Unless you count actually having to set foot inside Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie as a flaw - Which I do -Scratch that. No theories here *Whistles Innocently*



Unicorns are the living embodiment of love, happiness, glitter, and rainbows. THEY ARE NOT EVIL!!!

And now, I’m afraid of ball pits…

I used to love Shark Week.

Dean, I now forgive your earlier insolence in regards to the magnificence of unicorns.

Howard scares me more than any Octo!Vamp.

Skee Ball *Giggles* Dogma

Dean and Tyler - AWWWWWWWWWW!!!

Cowardly Lion meth is never the answer - Unless you were the Dad on Malcolm In The Middle!

Oh, Thank Goodness! Howard was super creepish. At least as a bad guy / monster maker, I know what to expect *Sigh Of Relief*

So much Sam whump this episode - He might need a hug… Or just a gentle fist bump depending on the bruising.

CONFETTI - IT’S A PARADE… Now, I’m sad *Sobs*

I’m glad to see Dean’s moment of emotional maturity is over. I would hate to see too much character growth in one season *Melodramatic Eye Roll*

Okay, so I was watching Legend this morning and I heard this quote - which is naturally about unicorns - I just pictured Sam and Dean in the Impala driving off into the sunset:

“As Long As They Roam They Earth

Evil Cannot Harm The Pure Of Heart.”


Believe It Or Not The Dream I Had Thursday Night - No, It Doesn’t Makes Sense, But When Do I Ever?!?:

Dean surveyed the surface of the water. He’d planned to avoid this place for the rest of his life. He was all set to keep the emotions tied to this spot bottled deep inside, but here he was starring out at the lake that claimed his best and probably only friend.

Something just under the surface caught Dean’s eye and upon approaching he saw Castiel, a tired and pale Cas, but everyone’s favorite nerd angel none the less. Dean plunged his hand in the water to free his friend, but found nothing in the cold murky depth. As the ripples dissipated Cas whispered, “The field” and Dean was jolt awake.

He was sitting in the passenger seat of the Dodge Charger Sam had commandeered in Indiana. After taking a moment to reorient himself, Dean politely reminded his brother of all times he had followed Sam’s intuitions and / or psychic visions while giving him a minimal amount of hell about it. He then instructed Sam that they were going to Wisconsin and not to ask any questions.

Following many, many hours trapped in another vehicle that wasn’t the Impala, they reached their destination. In the center of the once empty field was a large tree. Dean couldn’t see any other changes to the area since he and Frank had done recon, but that didn’t mean there weren’t nasty surprises waiting just around the corner. He opened the door, “Listen to me, Sammy. You’re going to take the car and create a diversion, as large and messy as possible. Try and keep those gooey assholes busy.” Dean stepped out of the car, but quickly turned back, “And if you get yourself hurt, I’ll kill you.”

“You be careful too, Jerk.”

“Bitch.” As Sam sped off, Dean moved closer to his target. Everything in the field was still. Okay, all signs pointed to this being a trap, but all that meant was it was a regular day in the life of the Winchesters.

Dean took a deep breath, plastered a cocky grin on his face, and sauntered into enemy territory. He realized that he could probably have used backup and that Sam wouldn’t be able to distract the leviathans for long. He hadn’t been able to think of a plausible way to explain to Sam that Castiel the fearsome angel warrior-turned-helper of humanity-turned-Mr. Comatose-turned-human-turned-new and improved angel-turned-BFF of Crowley-turned-god-turned-leviathan snack-turned-puddle was now a tree standing proudly in the middle of a field in Wisconsin. Even growing up as a hunter doesn’t prepare you for some things.

As he approached the tree he noticed that it seemed to be slightly fuller on one side giving it the look of Castiel’s all too familiar head tilt. Maybe things could never go back to the way they were before, but maybe he hadn’t lost everything forever. An angel tree, a cantankerous drunken ghost, and two hunters sharing a house - It was probably already in pre-production on the Syfy network.

He bit his lip and chanced a look at the tree limbs, “Cas?”

Nothing happened. Of course, nothing happened he was talking to a tree. Dean took a step back when a familiar voice echoed inside his head, “Dean.”

“It’s good to…see you again. Um, so, what is the story with this?” Dean gestured towards Castiel.

“Trapped here, like this, I’m just an echo. Dean, I’m a memory stuck in time… And stuck in a tree apparently.”

“Cas, I realize you’re having some foliage related issues now.” Dean huffed out a laugh, “Your bark is certainly worse than your bite, but we’ll find a way to fix this.”


“No?” Dean sobered.

“I haven’t been a good solider for quite awhile. I’ve done things that I can’t even begin to atone for…”

“We’ve all done things that we think… That we know are wrong. You don’t just give up. We fight. We fight when we’re outnumbered. We fight when we know we’re going to lose. We fight even though we know it doesn’t matter, because next week someone else will try and most likely succeed in starting another apocalypse.” The hypocrisy tasted bitter on his tongue as he said it.

“You’re not an angel.”

“Neither are you.” Dean snapped before lowering his voice, “Not really. Cas, you’re what angels should be.”

“Close your eyes” Cas said insistently.

“Are you trying to come on to me?” As the words left his mouth Dean saw movement in the periphery. Leviathans lined the edge of the field, their too wide smiles and hungry eyes gleaming. “And I’m closing my eyes now.” He felt the air crackle with energy as Castiel’s grace filled the air. The lack of screams signified that the angel had transported the beasties rather than killed them.

“Dean, you have to hurry. Take these.” Two leaves fell. Dean picked them up and noticed a series of coordinates burnt into the first leave and a spell on the other. “Dean, they’ll be back and I have a very limited amount of power.”

Dean shunned all anti-chick flick thoughts, leaned in, and wrapped his arms around Castiel’s trunk. He mentally kicked himself for every joke he ever made about Tree Huggers. “Give ‘em Hell, Cas.”

He made it out of the field with a renewed sense of purpose. He was going to steal a car that would in no way compare to his Baby. He was going to find his brother. He was going to wipe the sorry ass leviathans off the face of the Earth. Finally, he was going to get his family back no matter the cost.

The End Of The Leviathans And
The Beginning Of The Next Chapter In Dean’s Life
Which Will Hopefully Include Unicorns


Please note I support everyone’s right to their favorite character, pairing, team, ship, slash, OTP, OT3, whatever. These are my personal opinions. Please DO NOT repost my thoughts, feelings, opinions, or theories. Fandom is a diverse and wonderfully unique place. Be original!

misha frakking collins, i can haz pony nao?, idk, fandom: supernatural, random even for me, fic, wait unicorns aren't real, writing or something like it, i am unanimous in that, the epic love story of dean/cas, gifs are addictive, fangirlishness, misha is the wind beneath my wings, the zombies are attacking

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