Supernatural Episode: Defending Your Life Fangirlishness…

Oct 15, 2011 11:12

I would like to start by saying that I have had the worst frakking week. I am going to try my best to keep that separate, but…FRAK! (In fact, as soon as I post this, I am going to do a massive file audit at work - My Saturday ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!)

Bonus Fact: I was watching Psych - Shawn And Gus In Drag (Racing) and one of the Leviathans works as a mechanic!

Sam, that’s some nice permanent damage you’re doing to your hand! Why can't we have Lucifer again? The writers gave us absolutely amazing Lucifer, when I was crying too hard to appreciate it and now, I long for his snark.


I turned to face Show, “By the way, thank you.”



Okay - How awesome would it be if the boys had a case and when they went to the morgue…There is Zachariah! Of course, it isn’t Zachariah, but his vessel Woody, the coroner. hezio2should be with me on this?!?

Maybe all the possessed cars need to work on their cardio until they can do stairs!?!

It’s really sad that the only sober character is dead.

Actually, animals have their own reapers. Just ask George - She had to defend Murray from one!

Cas stepped into Dean’s space, “Why don't you tell me your wildest fantasy.”

Dean flushed and couldn’t meet Castiel’s eyes, “Okay, fine.” He took a quick breath and blurted out, “You're an Enochian apple thief, I run the cider house; I catch you hiding behind the stone mill, you chase me into the tasting room…Oh, if there's a crow in there, fine, if not...I can live with it. Anyway, we're all alone, you don't speak a word of English, but you teach me more about hard cider than I ever learned from my fermenting exams. And our passion is so loud that they can hear it all the way in the distillery!” Dean giggles nervously, “Oh...heh. God, I can be such an apple slut! Heh.”

(I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. Scrubs ruined any chance of me hearing about an apple farm and not think about that.)

“Look, you’re good people, I can see that. But you can’t do anything for me. No one can.” The man answered flatly.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s all impossible. You won’t even believe me.”

“Well, try us.”

The man looked at Dean solemnly, “There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then: a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try to talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that left. I gotta live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So go ahead and stamp your forms, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit.”

Dean approved the man’s parole and watched as he got into a car and rode off to freedom…to friendship…to Zihuatanejo.

Sam has always enthusiastically supported the arts!

DAMN IT DEAN! Let go of black and white - Go to grey side: The characters are more interesting, the plots are richer, and we have cookies!

I LOVE SAM SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. I always like Sam *Shifty Eyes* I usually like Sam. (I cannot be held responsible for any negative feelings incurred during the time I spend defending Cas’ honor.) However, so far season seven has been all about my Sam love. I am perplexed and concerned about this dramatic switch in my emotions.

Dean is so very hot in this episode! Freckles of Glory!!!

As soon as Dean walked through the door, Sam shoved a stack of papers into his hands. “I’m happy to see you too.” He began to skim over the documents, “What’s all this?”

“Dean, I just think it’s time that we start planning for the future. And before you give me the lecture on hunters always dying young, consider what I’m saying. I mean, we’ve already died repeatedly and we keep coming back. Maybe we’ll defy the odds and live to be grumpy old men.”

“No, I get that, but Sam, you bought us shares of stock in the Morton Salt company?”

“I thought it was the safest option. The two of us alone could keep them in business.”

Dean...ONLY AN ANGEL CAN LOVE YOU FOREVER - Get off your ass and bring Cas back then live happily forever after…DAMN IT!

I loved Dean’s dramatic eyeroll at the big Osiris reveal!

Sam Winchester, Esquire

I see…This is the series finale of Seinfeld.

Sam, your statement about being pre-law loses points when you got your legal strategy from television.

Jo made me sad. Why are all the awesome female characters gone?

I love that Sam showed that Jo wasn’t some damsel in distress that did nothing, but swoon over some guy. Unfortunately, Sera Gamble thinks characters that are written as females can only be love interests.

THAT’S RIGHT! MEG KILLED JO WITH A HELLHOUND! LET’S ALL KILL MEG! Seriously, I’m only asking for one character death…I’ve tried to be a good fangirl. I’m still watching after my heart has been repeatedly decimated and I try to see unicorns and glitter in the upcoming storylines…PLEASE? Also, if Cas or Crowley could do it…That would be magnificent!

Bobby seems off…Maybe, it’s just me hoping that he is going to be evil and epic!

Dean, your circle of salt is so larger...Compensating?

Dean needs a hug *Pout*


Hell: The Anti-Guilt

Um…Are we not supposed to remember Sam’s epic guilt about all the crap he did while he was soulless? Did season six magically disappear? Was the wall made of guilt and when it crumbled, Sam was better off psychologically? Maybe that’s why Cas did it - He was helping out a friend *Ponders*

Side Note: For all of my love of unicorns, glitter hearts, schmoop, true love, and everybody getting the boy or girl in the end…I MOTHER FRAKKING ADORE THE WAR OF THE ROSES!!!!!!!!! (Technically, because the movie is over 20 years old, I don’t really think this should count as spoilers, but I am going to take a moment to fangirl the crap out it. If you haven’t seen it, you have been warned.)

It’s hard to even being to express my love…It’s so dark, twisted, and funny. There are so many absolutely brilliant performances - You can literally feel the loathing radiate off of Barbara and Oliver.

My two favorite scenes are the pate scene and the chandelier scene at the end.

image Click to view

(Of course, the dog is really fine - Trust me, Oliver deserved this.)

The end! I couldn’t find a video, but THE END. After crashing to the floor, Oliver places his hand on Barbara’s shoulder in a last gesture to show that after everything, he still loved her. Barbara reaches out and places her hand on his - For just a moment, you think maybe there was some speck of love left. Maybe there was a trace of her that remembered what she used to love about him. - Then she uses her last once of strength and throws his hand off - Before they both die, because BARBARA IS A FRAKKING BAMF!

Show BETTER have the goods to back up their claims about next week’s episode. YOU DON’T FRAK WITH PERFECTION! And let’s face it, their movie reference track record has not been good. *Cough* Memento?!?!

In conclusion bad fanart…

Please note I support everyone’s right to their favorite character, pairing, team, ship, slash, OTP, OT3, whatever. These are my personal opinions. Please DO NOT repost my thoughts, feelings, opinions, or theories. Fandom is a diverse and wonderfully unique place. Be original!

youtube is dangerous, rl is boring, fandom: supernatural, wow my fanart sucks, supernatural episode reaction, picnik rocks, fangirlishness

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