Apr 15, 2007 21:02
To make a long story short I had felt increased pressure in my lower back this afternoon and several squirts of what I believed to be amniotic fluid... so we went to the hospital. I am currently 36 weeks and 3 days, and the waters leaking now would actually be a bad thing.
Anyway, it wasn't amniotic fluid but I did go into labor and started to dilate. The contractions were a little painful (on a scale of 1-10 they registered around a 2) and the medical establishment had me walk for 3 hours to see if there would be any progression.
When they checked me again my cervix had not changed so I was administered a shot of drugs to stop the labor and then sent home.
I am not considered full term and that is why labor was stopped. If labor starts again over the next week it will again be stopped until they can be sure that baby Joshua will be as healthy as possible.
So there you go. I can't remember the last time I was this tired. -___________-