Title: Seeing Double On A One Night Stand [part 6]
Pairing: Billie/Rev/Fink
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Billie meets a sexy devil and a sweet little lush
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction between two perverts- myself and
spikeswhiterose. No actual Billie personalities have been harmed in the making, and neither has Billie.
Fink sat on the end of the bed he had once shared with his boyfriend. He was overtaken by a feeling of great loss. He really did love Twitch and wanted to punch himself in the face for letting him go. Did he really treat him that badly? So badly that he ran away with someone who was supposed to be a good time?
Fink had never trusted anyone until he met Twitch, he was too afraid of what people would think of him. He assumed people would shun him so wouldn’t let anyone close to him until the day he happened across a quirky blonde who drank a little too much. Twitch had never told Fink he was a freak because of his tail and he had never burned his arms with a lighter like the kids at school used to while saying that the devil shouldn’t be afraid of fire. The reality that he had treated badly and lost the only good thing in his life.
He spent a few days moping around until he found one of Twitch’s rosaries under the bed. He clenched his teeth and fists, it was about the time the nightlife came alive so he knew where Twitch would be. Fink shoved the string of beads in his pocket and took off to search the many bars.
After an hour of searching crappy pissholes of drunken degenerates Fink heard a familiar giggle. It was Twitch; he was leaning on Billie in adoration- seeing it made anger boil up inside Fink. He wanted to hurt Billie Joe, he wanted to kick his face off. He went over to the couple, feeling the hate build the closer he got.
Billie gulped as soon as he saw Fink but he put his brave face on. A look of worry washed over the rev’s face and the look turned into a look of fear as Fink just stood in front of them silently.
Billie Joe had no idea what to do, Fink was just standing there. Rev was about to say something but suddenly he saw Fink’s hand raise in a fist raise towards him and he flinched on instinct.... but no strike came. He opened his eyes to see his ex-lover holding out his rosary. He looked at Fink’s face and then back down at the beads before cautiously taking them.
“Um... thank you.” The blonde said, surprised.
“I’m sorry. You deserve to be treated right. I never deserved you.” Fink said quietly and made his way out of the alcohol soaked bar.