Angel and The Demon [3/?]

Aug 27, 2010 11:53

Title: Angel and The Demon [3/?]
Author: me
Rating: very NC-17
Summary: Twitch is a fallen angel and finds himself lost and confused until he appears to be saved by the devil. But things are sadly not as they seem. The result of an RP with ChibiSnoo but with some extra added sex scene.
WARNINGS: expect things to happen that will make you want to hug the hell outta Twitch. 
Disclaimer: I own only the words.


Previously on Angel And The Demon...

“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, tail swishing behind him.

“Getting my clothes.”

“Who said you could get dressed?” Fink barked.

“I just assumed...”

“Well you assumed wrong.”

Chapter 3

“Now drink this.” Fink ordered and held out a glass of unknown liquid.

“What is it?”

“Don’t ask questions. Just drink, it’s good.”

Twitch took the glass and examined the suspicious fluid with his eyes. He figured that he had nothing to lose and knocked it back in one. The substance was clearly some kind of very strong alcohol that felt like it was burning the inside of his mouth and throat. He spluttered and coughed.

Fink just smirked and replaced it with glass after glass. The more Twitch drank the more numb he felt, both physically and emotionally. It stopped burning his throat and his head was too dizzy to think. He was sat in the floor because it was becoming more and more difficult for his legs to hold him up.

“Now you can do something for me.” The devil smirked with a mischievous look in his dark green eyes as he pushed down his red trousers and underwear. “Suck me off.”

Twitch gave him a confused look, he didn’t know what the hell he meant. Seeing this, Fink sighed.

“You put my dick in your mouth and you suck it.” he said slowly and patronizingly.

The little fallen angel was pretty sure he wasn’t going to like doing this but his mind and body were too intoxicated not to obey and he shuffled closer on his knees and hesitated before taking Fink into his mouth but not very much. That didn’t matter to Fink though, he just took a hold of Twitch’s hair and pushed him down further until he was gagging and choking.

“If you’re gonna do it, you gotta do it right.” Fink instructed, holding the blonde’s head and fucking his mouth until he eventually came down his throat.

Twitch coughed and sobbed once free of his grasp, washing away the taste and the shame with more alcohol.

“Who do you belong to?” Fink asked.

“You.” The angel replied in a horse and slurred tone.

Fink disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a knife. “I’m sorry but you’re just not gonna last as long as the others.” He said and pushed Twitch onto the floor which was just bare floor boards. If Twitch were in a lesser state of intoxication, he would have noticed the vast amount of blood stains soaked into the wood.

Fink began carving his name into the previously unmarred flesh of the fallen angel with the knife, causing blood curdeling screams to rip through the air which was becoming stagnant with the smell of blood.

“Scream all you want, there’s nobody to hear you.” He laughed and continued writing his name over Twitch’s inner and outer thighs, his hips, stomach, chest, arms, back and buttocks.

Whatever relief Twitch had found in the alcohol wasn’t even denting the unrelenting pain shooting through his whole body. These weren’t just skin cuts, some were deep and severed veins.

Once finished, Fink admired his work “Gorgeous.” He said “and maybe this’ll help with your pain.” He continued, standing and holding up a bottle of alcohol and pouring It over the twitching, writhing body below him and making it scream.

After the sting of the alcohol had faded, Twitch looked at the blood soaked alcohol pooling on the floor around him.

“Go on, drink it. Lap it up off the floor like the animal you are.” Fink ordered and Twitch obeyed but quickly lost consciousness from blood loss.

Fink left to run an icy cold bath and returned to his victim.

“Knew you wouldn’t last long.” He said, picking him up and carrying him to the bathroom and dropping him face-down into the cold water.

As soon as his body hit the freezing cold water, Twitch awoke and instinctively tried to gasp but only filled his lungs with the now bloody water. He pulled his self up and coughed it out of his lungs.

“Wow, I must say I didn’t expect you to wake up. You must have one hell of a will to live.” The devil stated in genuine surprise.

“D-Don’t know w-why.” Twitch shivered.

“Maybe it’s because you’re an angel, not a human.”

Twitch tried to get out of the cold water, he hated being cold.

“I wouldn’t if I were you. You’ll bleed to death if you come out of there so soon. The cold water’ll make your blood vessels contract and it’ll slow then stop the bleeding.”

The blonde sank back into the water with a shivering sigh and watched his tormentor leave.

“Please, God. Please give me another chance. Please give me my wings back so I can come back home.” He sobbed pathetically. “I’m sorry I looked down at the world, I was curious. I won’t do it again, I promise. I just wanna come home.” The sobbing had turned into a full flood of tears. As I to mock him, the smell of food drifted into the room. His stomach was hurting, he hadn’t eaten. When he saw Fink appear in the doorway he was struck with a hope that Fink was going to let him eat.

“I wouldn’t bother asking to go home if I were you. You’re tainted, you slept with a devil willingly.” The devil in question said while eating a slice of pizza. He noticed the pained look of hunger on Twitch’s face and smirked. “Oh, you’re not getting food.” He said and left the room again.

“That’ll teach me not to hope for anything.” Twitch sighed in defeat but was taken by a sudden feeling of anger. Once his bleeding had stopped he carefully crept out of the bathroom and looked around. Fink was sitting on the couch watching TV, facing away from an escape route. This was it, Twitch was going to escape no matter what.



Oooh, will Twitch make it to freedom? We shall see next time.


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