Can't believe it never occurred to me before to keep this stuff listed here. :|
Things You'd Notice
Originally posted
here. Updated
- Sharp dresser of an indeterminate mid/late-twentieth-century vintage: sweater or blouse, tailored blazer, pleated skirt or tailored trousers, boots. Usually carries her gun on a shoulder holster under her blazer. Also has a Badass Longcoat (specifically, a dark-green military greatcoat with red trim) that she wears when she has to go anywhere cold. Occasionally sports a beret. In wilderness settings she wears a shirt of suitable weight, military fatigue trousers, and combat boots.
- Wears Mitsouko perfume. Not so much as you can tell she's coming down the hall (unless you've got a preternatural sense of smell), but anyone close to her will be familiar with the scent.
- Generally friendly, pleasant in manner. Always ready to answer a question.
- Intimates will know that she occasionally has moments where she gets a bit spacey and vague.
- Visits the library regularly.
- Can occasionally be heard singing in her cabin or in the halls. Usually jazz standards and music-hall tunes.
- Occasional smoker. Prefers Egyptian cigarettes, and carries a brass WWI-era lighter.
- 5'7"/170cm tall, slender for her height (though not unhealthily so). Secretly a lot tougher than she looks. She's got some interesting scars under the sharp clothes.
- The better O'Brien may be behaving, the more tense she gets. It manifests mostly as increased frequency of moments of Deep Thought, which she can be startled out of. When he's being a bastard and acting out, she's almost cheerful about it.
- Generally: the bigger the crisis, the better her mood. Even if she complains about it, her complaints are almost jaunty.
- She has always been discreet about her liaisons, but observant sorts who live near her or near anyone she's ever taken up with might have noticed a thing or two.
- Always tries to say hi to her close friends at least once a day, even if they don't get a chance to talk at length.
- Lunch shift managing warden. Occasionally songs can be heard from the kitchen around that time.
- Post-Aztec invasion: has a pixie cut. Will grow out again either when her vanity finally gets the better of her and she asks someone magical for help, or when she next gets death toll'd. Thanks for the fix, Snape!
The Neighbour Meme
Originally posted
Updated 7/21.
Room and Level: Room 15, level 8
Warden/Inmate: Warden
If you know, who are your immediate neighbors?: Agent K Gaheris Rhade and Dracula.
1. What does your door look like?
A plain, anonymous door that wouldn't be out of place in a hotel.
2. Do you ever leave said door open?
3. What hours do you keep? Do you spend them roaming around the halls?
Una doesn't actually sleep much for a human, and occasionally she can be found wandering about at night.
4. How much time do you spend in the common room?
5. While in the common room, do you watch the television? How loud? (Level 7 excluded, as the TV was "stolen".)
She spends very little time in the common room, preferring to visit the library when she's not in her room. She doesn't watch much TV, though she's been known to join Martha's movie nights.
6. Is your room a mess, and does said mess ever spill out into the corridor?
No and no.
7. What loud noises might emanate from your room?
Every now and then in the early evening, after dinner but before people have gone to bed, passersby might hear some old jazz or music-hall tunes, played either on an old-fashioned gramophone or an iPod. Played at a respectful volume, mind.
8. Do you snore? Loud enough to be heard by your neighbors?
9. Do you host parties in your room or in the common room?
No and no.
10. Do you sing? Loud enough to be heard by your neighbors?
Yes. And yes-former music-hall performer and actress here. Again, jazz and music-hall tunes. She can really belt them out, too, and it's a pretty good rule that the louder, jauntier, and more politically incorrect the tune, the crappier her mood.
11. Musical instruments? Loud enough to be heard by your neighbors?
12. Are you a nosy neighbor? Do you spy on your fellows?
Not nosy per se, but she pays attention.
13. Do you eat or cook in your room? Does the smell of that food seep into the corridor?
Una makes tea and coffee in her room. Not that these are things anyone would notice, especially as the coffee is instant.
14. Other smells? (Potions, science experiments, perfume, flatulence, etc)
She does wear Mitsouko perfume frequently, but not so much of it that you'd notice unless you were within conversation distance. She doesn't believe in using perfume as a weapon. Cigarette smoke is sometimes noticeable, as she does smoke.
15. Do you have pets that make a lot of noise? Enough noise to annoy your neighbors?
She has a little white Scottie named Dios, formerly Akio's, then Ray K's, and now hers. He may occasionally be heard to bark excitedly when someone calls on Una.
16. Have you flooded your personal bathroom, if you have one?
17. What time do you get up in the morning?
18. Do you have an alarm clock? Is it loud? Loud enough to bother your neighbors?
Una gets up around 6:00 am, and there's an old-fashioned windup alarm clock that may be heard if your hearing is really keen.
19. Do you make a lot of noise while showering/dressing/etc? Is it loud enough to be heard by your neighbors?
Sometimes Una sings in the shower. See also #10 above.
20. Can you be heard by your neighbors if you're having sex?
When she was having any ... not always, but occasionally. Occasionally. Usually she keeps it quiet, though. Does it count if the neighbor is the person that one is occasionally having sex with?
21. Uh, can your partner be heard (assuming you have one)?
Not currently applicable. Depends on the partner. Er.
22. Are you a neighborly neighbor? In other words, do you avoid your neighbors, or wave to them and want to have a chat whenever you see them?
She doesn't go in for long chats, but she makes a point of saying hello to people and that sort of thing.
23. Who are your most frequent visitors?
Probably Angelica and Sveta, with a very occasional O'Brien. Previous frequent visitors are no longer aboard.
hereThe Character Expression Meme
Character: Una Persson
lastvoyages .happy..sad..angry..scared.
![]( love.
Snag yourself the coding